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  • Spokey RIBBON SET Set of 3 strengthening gums, 200 cm
    Fitness gum Spokey RIBBON SET:- to sú 3 rubbers with different levels of resistance: light (7 kg), medium (12 kg), heavy (17 kg)- ideal for a variety of daily training- allow maximum effect from training and focus on individual muscle groups- their shape (200 x 15 cm) can be used for exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfitAk hľadáte efektívny a osvedčený spôsob pre domáci tréning, stavte na fitness sadu gúm Spokey RIBBON SET. Tato sa o universally vybavenie, ktoré vám umožní vykonávať naťahovacie či posilňovacie cvičenia. Vďaka svojim vlastnostiam a dĺžke (200 x 15 cm) rubber RIBBON spestrí your daily training. Posilňovacie gumy fungujú na podobnom princípe ako expandér - umožňujú vykonávať cviky zapájajúce rôzne muscle skupiny. RIBBON rubbers can be used during stretching, strengthening, aerobic or fitness exercise, during yoga or pilates.Rubbers with different levels of resistanceRIBBON SET is a set of troch gúm with different levels of resistance. Vďaka tomu sú ideálnou voľbou pre kohokoľvek, bez ohľadu na aktuálnu fyzickú kondíciu. Počas cvičenia si vyberiete tú, ktorá bude najlepšie zodpovedať vašej aktuálnej forme a typu tréningu:- Purple (light): 7 kg- Blue (medium): 12 kg- Green (heavy): 17 kgLight rubber with a bump of 0.35 mm and the lowest resistance level of 7 kg is ideal for beginners. Pomôže získať správnu techniku cvičenia a pripraví svaly na vyššiu záťaž. Rubber with a medium resistance level of 12 kg and a hump of 0.45 cm is ideal for those who want to diversify their training, heavy rubber with a hump of 0.55 mm and resistance of 17 kg, is a designated team that likes to exercise at 200%. So sadou gúm Spokey RIBBON SET dosiahnete najlepšie tréningové výsledky.Nepostrádateľné nielen pre domáce tréningyTraining rubbers Spokey RIBBON SET recommend professionals and personal trainers. Rubbers are made of very durable material, which ensures their life. Vďaka nim môžete trénovať kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek budete chcieť - v posilňovni, doma alebo vonku. Gumy RIBBON spestrí vaše každodenné cvičenia a umožnia vám prispôsobiť si tréning presne podľa vašich potrieb tak, aby ste zapojili tie muscle groups, na ktorých vám najviac polez.Parameters:Material: Latex rubberlength: 200 cmwidth: 15 cmbump: light - 0,35 mm; medium - 0,45 mm; heavy - 0,55 mmresistance: light - 7 kg; medium - 12 kg; heavy - 17 kgInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Balenie: 44 sets/cartonMožné predaj po 1 sada
  • Spokey FORM Weights for hands and feet 2x 0,5 kg
    Velcro weights Spokey FORM:- Velcro fastening is used and guarantees a stable position during exercise- sú dve závažia s rovnakou hmotnosťou, ktoré si môžete pripnúť na obe ruky alebo nohy a mať tak rovnomerne rozloženú váh, alebo si môžete zvýšiť intenzitu tréningu tak, že si obe závazía dáte na jeden nohu či ruku- available in 4 different transfers (from 0.5 to 2 kg) - zvoľte si model pre vaše tréningové ciele!Adjusting weights to Velcro Spokey FORM is equipped to perfectly complement training. Pokiaľ hľadáte niečo, čo zvýši intensitu cvičenia a tým aj jeho výsledky - závazia sú idealne! Boli created na posilnenie dolných a horných parts of the body during fitness training, aerobics, jogging or exercise for overall development and rehabilitation.Dve závažia pre optimalizáciu tréninguThe Spokey FORM set consists of 2 weights equal to the weight. Vďaka tomu môžete cvičiť tak, že si závazie pripnete na obe zápästia či členky, alebo zvýítete intensitu tým, že si obe závazía pripnete na jeden ruku/nohu. Fastening on Velcro uľahčuje nasadzovanie a zazavnosti ich stamennú polohu during exercise. Vďaka výpl z práskového železn sú závazia dostatočne elasticné na to, aby sa ľahko prispôsobili tvaru vašej ruky či členku.Dostupné v 4 rôznych prevedeniach (od 0,5 do 2 kg), vďaka tomu si môžete zvoliť model, ktorý je optimálny pre vaše tréningové ciele. Pre ľahšie rozpoznanie hmotnosti má každá hmotnosť inú farbu:- light green: 2x 0.5 kg- blue: 2x 1 kg- dark green: 2x 1,5 kg- dark blue: 2x 2 kgPoužitie závažia Spokey FORM zintenzívňuje tréning, stimulates prácou svalov a pomáha lepšie aktivovať rôzne časti tela. Cvičenie začínajte s nižšou hmotnosťou a postupne, so zvyšujúcou sa physical kondíciou zvyšujte aj hmotnosť závažia. Závažia FORM boli navrhnuté tak, aby sa sa greatly throwing into your home strengthening.Parameters:Material: NeopreneFilling: Powdered ironVelcro fastenersweight: 2x 0,5 kg
  • Spokey POWER LIGHT Posilňovacia rubber, resistance 11-19 kg
    Training resistance rubber Spokey POWER LIGHT:- univerzálna pomôcka pre silový tréning, ktorá funguje podobne ako expander a môže plne nahradiť činky či ketllebelly- umožňuje maximizovať efekt tréningu a zamerať sa na jednotlivé časti tela- Has resistance: 11-19 kgV priebehu formovania postavy majú dôležitú úlohu cviky s využitím odporových gúm. Vďaka nim spestríte svoj tréning a môžete sa zamerať na vami požadovanú svalovú skupinu! Fungujú podobným spôsobom ako expandér - umožňujú vykonávať naťahovacie cvičenia a cviky do strán (napr. chest exercises) a vďaka svojim vlastnostiam a dĺžke vám umožnia rozšíriť škálu cvikov.Indispensable time of strength trainingViete o tom, že gumy Spokey POWER sú perfektnou náhradou činiek a ketllebellov? Plne nahradzajú potrebné vybavení pre silový tréning! Použitie tréningových gúm Spokey POWER pri tréningu umožňuje maximizovať účinků tréningu a sústrediť sa na jednotlivé časti tela.Tréning prispôsobený vašich potrebámTraining rubbers recommend and personal trainers. With them you can exercise anywhere - in the fitness club, at home or vonku. Odporové gumy s uzvaretým obvodom umožňujú maximizovať účinků tréningu a sústrediť sa na jednotlivé časti tela. Gumy POWER sú vyrobené v rôznych variantoch odporu, čo vám umožňuje zvoliť si vhodný odpor pre váš tréning podľa vašej aktuálnej fyzickej kondície:- X-light (purple): 0 - 13 kg- light (green): 11-19 kg- medium (blue): 15-23 kg- heavy (green): 20-30 kg- X-heavy (dark blue): 25-40 kgMaximum training effectTraining rubbers are made of durable material, which zaisťuje ich dlhú životnosť. Gumy POWER majú rôzne odpory, vďaka čomu sú ideálne ako pre začínajúcich, tak aj pre profesionalnych športovcov. Gumy s nižšou odporovou silou vám pomôžu na získanie správnej techniky cvičenia a pripravia svaly na vyššiu záťaž. Rubbers with higher resistance force are intended for people who like to practice at 200%.Parameters:Material: Latex rubberlength: 208 cmwidth: 15 mmBump 4,5 mmResistance: 11-19 kg
  • Spokey SHAPE Set of tans 2x 1 kg
    Adjustment of vinyl Spokey SHAPE chins:- with a wide anti-skid handle fits perfectly in the hand, which increases the comfort and safety of exercise.- sú made of cast iron potiahnutej vinylom, vďaka čomu sú durable, pleasant to the hand and priľnavejšie.- vzhľadovo vyzerajú great: k dispozícii sú vo farebných verziách s rôznymi hmotnosťami, čo uľahčuje hľadanie činiek rovnakej hmotnosti medzi ostatným vybavením.- set of two tans: 2x 1 kg.Weights are one of najobľúbenejších pomôcok used for fitness training. Cvičem s činkami môžete efektívne a rýchlo dosiahnuť požadované výsledky, ako je posilnenie svalov, zlepšenie kondície a zníženie zbytočných kilogramov. Two Spokey SHAPE dumbbells are essential equipment for every home gym. Umožňujú vykonávať mnoho rôznych cvikov a aktivovať tak svalovať partie, na ktorých vám najviac záleží . Sú k dispozícii v jedinečných farebných prevedeniach líšiacich sa hmotnosťou. Vďaka tomu si môžete ľahko vybrať činky optimálne podľa svojich individuálnych potrieb a ľahšie ich nájsť medzi ostatnými športovými pomôckami.Two vinyl dumbbells equal to weightSpokey SHAPE dumbbells in a classic face have a wide and comfortable grip on the hand. Sú made of resistant liatina, vďaka ktorej vám budú slúžiť mnoho rokov. Their shape ensures practical, safe and optimal exercise. Vinylový poťah increases the comfort and quality of exercise - dumbbells are not to be touched, more and nešmýkajú sa ani pri intensivnom tréningu. Navyše budú vyzerať great, vo vašej domácej posilňovni! Pastel colors and classic design will attract you from the diaľka and encourage you to train.Home training with passionČinky môžu tvoriť základ nášho tréningu, alebo byť doplnkom každodenného cvičenia v rôznych disciplínach. Dávajú nám nespočet možností, pretože nám umožňujú prispôsobiť typ a kvalitu tréningu našim očakávaniam, predpokladom a schopnostiam. Preto sú idealne ako pre ľudí, ktorí so športom ešte len začínajú, tak pre skúsených profesionalov. Set SHAPE consists of 2 ciniek o rovnakej weight. Dostupnosť v rôznych weightných variantoch (od 0,5 do 2 kg) vám umožní zvoliť si optimalálnu záťaž pre svoje tréningové ciele.Parameters:Complete dvoch piece, 2x 1 kgMaterial: Liatina, sweating vinylInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Balenie: 10 sets/cartonMožné predaj po 1 sada
  • Spokey LOVA Gymnastic shovel peanut, green
    Gymnastic ball Spokey LOVA- A nut-shaped gymnastic ball is a great choice for home training, rehabilitation and exercises to promote correct posture, strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve blood circulation- The advantage of exercising with a ball is that it does not strain the joints, improves balance and strengthens muscles. It is also suitable for meditation- allows movement in only one direction, which provides greater stability than standard gymnastic balls in the shape of a ballA nut-shaped gymnastic ball is a great choice for home training, rehabilitation and exercises to promote correct posture. With the LOVA ball, you can diversify your training and involve almost all muscle groups. The gymnastic ball provides excellent support during exercise. Seemingly easy exercises with a ball can be very beneficial for your body!Ideal for home training and rehabilitationBy using the Spokey LOVA gymnastics ball, you strengthen most of your muscles, improve your fitness or you can expand your home exercise stack. Gymnastics ball exercises are suitable for everyone – easy to do for beginners, low intensity for seniors, and great for people after injuries as a form of rehabilitation. It is often used during rehabilitation to strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve blood circulation.Home Workout FriendExercises with the Spokey LOVA ball are suitable for everyone, regardless of current physical condition, training or age! You can practice at home – just have a little free space. The big advantage of exercising with a ball is that it does not burden the joints, improves balance and strengthens the muscles. It is also suitable for meditation. What more could you ask for? The Spokey LOVA peanut ball allows movement in one direction only, providing greater stability than standard ball-shaped gymnastics balls. The ball is a great choice for the elderly, pregnant women and children.Parameters:Material: PVClength: 90 cmDiameter: 45 cmIn set: pumpMaximum user weight: 150 kgWeight: 1.2 kgInformation for wholesale customers:packaging: 10 pcs/cartonpossible sale in 1 piece
  • Trendyol Black Wide Leg/Wide Leg Corduroy High Waist Knitted Sweatpants
    The Model's Measurements: Height: 176cm(6'9"), Bust: 81cm(31in), Waist: 60cm(23in), Hips: 90cm(35in); The product on the model is size S/36/8; 96% Polyester,4% Elastane, Knitted Fabric; Colors may vary in studio shots due to the difference in light.
  • Trendyol Camel Knitted Waist Button Closure Knitted Trousers
    Model Information: Model's Measurements: Height: 177cm(5'10'') Bust: 76cm(29in) Waist: 59cm(23in) Hips: 87cm(34in); The product on the mannequin is size S/36/8; ; Material Composition: 100% Polyester ; Fabric Type: Knitted ;Inner Length: 78.0 cm ;P lease follow the washing instructions given below in order to use your product for a longer time and to care for your product properly. ; Colors may vary in studio shots due to the difference in light.
  • Insulated sweatshirt + trousers dark green
    Turkish set consisting of a sweatshirt and trousers with pockets is a combination of style, comfort and functionality. A sweatshirt is not only fashionable, but also practical in various situations. The hood provides additional protection from wind and rain and adds character to the whole set. Details such as the adjustable cord in the hood and elastic cuffs on the sleeves and bottom of the sweatshirt are also worth noting for a perfect fit. Pants with pockets are a great addition to this set. Handy are the side pockets where you can store small things like keys or phone. Elastic waistband with adjustment for comfort and fit. This Turkish set is the perfect solution for different occasions. You can use it for outdoor activities, in the gym or simply during your free time. It undoubtedly combines aesthetics, comfort and practicality to create a complete look for people who value both fashion and functionality in clothing. The set is made of insulated material. The size is universal and will be suitable for ladies in size S, M or L.TURKISH PRODUCTIONMaterial composition:90% cotton,10% ElastaneThe dimensions below are measured in the area +/- 1 cmTo get the perimeter, multiply the width by 2Sweatshirt dimensions:Arm width: 60 cmOverall length: 56 cmSleeve length: 49 cmTrouser dimensions:Waist width: 33 cm / stretched: 51 cmCrotch leg length: 73 cmOverall length: 100 cm
  • Cotton beige sweatpants
    Cotton beige sweatpants . Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 34 cm, waist height - 28 cm, total length - 90 cm.
  • Black Cotton Ankle Sweatpants
    Black cotton sweatpants to the ankles . Product code: RV-DR-8692.21Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: Casual, sportyOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S/M. Model dimensions: height 173 cm, breasts 85 cm, waist 62 cm, hips 95 cm. The dimensions of trousers in size S/M are measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 26 cm, total length - 98 cm.
  • Kalimo Woman's Sweatpants Antao
    model: Kalimo_Sweatpants_Antao_Beige, color: 1131565
  • Kalimo Woman's Sweatpants Maio
    model: Kalimo_Sweatpants_Maio_Beige, color: 1131577
  • Ženska trenirka komplet Trend Alaçatı Stili
    Ženska trenirka  Trend Alaçatı Stili.<br />Majica s kapuljačom<br />- donji dio i rukavi završeni rubom<br />- udoban kroj<br />Trenirka/hlače<br />- podesiv struk s uzicom<br />- dva bočna džepa<br />- nogavice i struk s elastičnim rubovima<br />Veličina uzorka: S/36.<br />Mjere modela (cm): Visina: 170, Poprsje: 80, Struk: 58, Bokovi: 89.<br />Materijal: 70% pamuk, 30% poliester
  • High waisted black sweatpants
    Black high-waisted sweatpants . Product code: RV-DR-8545.02PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 173 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 30 cm, total length - 97 cm.
  • Khaki women's sweatpants with inscriptions
    Khaki women's sweatpants with inscriptions . Product Code: RV-DR-8519.30XDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 173 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 91 cm. Trouser dimensions in size S, measured flat: waist width - 36 cm, waist height - 30 cm, total length - 97 cm.
  • Black women's sweatpants with stripes
    Black women's sweatpants with stripes . Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Model's measurements: height 176 cm, bust 85 cm, waist 64 cm, hips 92 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 25 cm, total length - 92 cm.
  • Beige women's sweatpants with stripes
    Beige women's sweatpants with stripes . Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 168 cm, breasts 82 cm, waist 62 cm, hips 93 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 25 cm, total length - 92 cm.
  • Camel women's sweatpants with stripes
    Camel women's sweatpants with stripes . Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 173 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 25 cm, total length - 92 cm.
  • MOONLIGHT womens sweatpants, camel, Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants MOONLIGHTMOONLIGHT sweatpants are an undoubted must in every woman's wardrobe. This model is made of pleasant and soft to the touch corduroy material. These pants have an elasticated waistband with a comfortable wide elastic that makes the pants fit any figure perfectly. They have a loose, slightly tapered cut, making them perfect for everyday wear both at home and for a walk around the city.Colour: Camel.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Women's sweatpants MARIE beige Dstreet
    Sweatpants MARIESweatpants are a definite must in every wardrobe, regardless of the season. MARIE are made of high-quality material imitating corduroy. It goes great with both a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. Available in several colours.Color beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Slazenger Klaus Women's Sweatpants Dark Gray
    Bottom Group Clothing Product InformationFabric Material : 65% Cotton 35% PolyesterFabric Type : 3 ThreadsLength (cm) : 101 Waistband (cm) : 39 Waist Type : Elastic Hips (cm) : 22 Legs (cm) : 11 Legs Type: Elastic LegsPocket : 2 PocketsSeason : Winter Model MeasurementsProduct Size : S Height : 175 Chest : 90 Waist : 60 Hips : 92Weight : 53 Brand : SlazengerStock Code : ST22PK012-230Model Name : KLAUSColor : Dark GreyGender : WomenProduct Group : TextilesCategory : Women's Tracksuits.
  • Insulated sweatshirt + trousers black
    Turkish set consisting of a sweatshirt and trousers with pockets is a combination of style, comfort and functionality. A sweatshirt is not only fashionable, but also practical in various situations. The hood provides additional protection from wind and rain and adds character to the whole set. Details such as the adjustable cord in the hood and elastic cuffs on the sleeves and bottom of the sweatshirt are also worth noting for a perfect fit. Pants with pockets are a great addition to this set. Handy are the side pockets where you can store small things like keys or phone. Elastic waistband with adjustment for comfort and fit. This Turkish set is the perfect solution for different occasions. You can use it for outdoor activities, in the gym or simply during your free time. It undoubtedly combines aesthetics, comfort and practicality to create a complete look for people who value both fashion and functionality in clothing. The set is made of insulated material. The size is universal and will be suitable for ladies in size S, M or L.TURKISH PRODUCTIONMaterial composition:90% cotton,10% ElastaneThe dimensions below are measured in the area +/- 1 cmTo get the perimeter, multiply the width by 2Sweatshirt dimensions:Arm width: 60 cmOverall length: 56 cmSleeve length: 49 cmTrouser dimensions:Waist width: 33 cm / stretched: 51 cmCrotch leg length: 73 cmOverall length: 100 cm
  • Kalimo Woman's Sweatpants Brav
    model: Kalimo_Sweatpants_Brav_Grey, color: 1131571
  • Kalimo Woman's Sweatpants Fogo
    model: Kalimo_Sweatpants_Fogo_Black, color: 1131574
  • Women's tracksuit CALIFORNIA beige Dstreet
    Women's tracksuit CALIFORNIAA tracksuit consisting of an oversize sweatshirt and ribbed leggings is a recipe for always successful sports or casual styling. Sweatshirt made of quality material with decorative print perfectly matches the fitted bottom. It will look perfect with white sneakers. Available in three colours.Mastic.Composition: 90% cotton, 10% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Dark beige tracksuit of oversize fit
    Dark beige oversize tracksuit . Product code: EM-KMPL-769.19XDominant pattern: overprintStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, for work, for the city The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: armpit width - 61 cm, sweatshirt length - 71 cm, sleeve length - 63 cm, waist width - 37 cm, waist height - 30 cm, leg length - 95 cm.
  • Khaki women's sweatpants with inscription
    Khaki women's sweatpants with the inscription . Product Code: RV-DR-8544.14PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 25 cm, total length - 95 cm.
  • VELVET SKY womens sports pants green Dstreet
    Women's sports pants VELVET SKYFitted sports trousers are a must for successful styling. VELVET SKY has a tie at the waist, two pockets and decorative patches located at the bottom of the legs. They are made of high-quality material, which makes them extremely comfortable. To white sneakers will look perfect. Available in four colours.Green color.Composition: 95% cotton, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Koton Jogger Sweatpants High Waist with Pocket Details.
    You don't have to sacrifice your style to find comfort! With tag detail, high waist, jogger sweatpants will be a sought-after item for your sports outfits. You can easily combine cotton sweatpants with t-shirts, sweatshirts, singlets or sports tops!
  • Women's sweatpants MORELO apricot Dstreet
    Sweatpants MORELOThey are super comfortable and very phenomenal sweatpants! They will provide you with comfort in any situation. You can wear them every day, to school, for walks or out. Trousers with elasticized waistband and hem on legs. They are made of high quality material. You have to have them!Color: Apricot.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Women's sweatpants MARIE black Dstreet
    Sweatpants MARIESweatpants are a definite must in every wardrobe, regardless of the season. MARIE are made of high-quality material imitating corduroy. It goes great with both a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. Available in several colours.Black.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 97 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 90 cmHeight: 170 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size M
  • Ženska trenirka donji dio DStreet
    Ženska trenirka / hlače marke DStreet.<br />- mnogo džepova<br />- elastični struk<br />Mjere modela: Bokovi: 85 cm Struk: 68 cm Poprsje: 87 cm Visina: 172 cm.<br />Model nosi veličinu S.<br />Materijal: 90% pamuk, 10% elastin
  • Khaki women's cotton sweatpants
    Khaki women's cotton sweatpants . Product code: RV-DR-8545.02PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 30 cm, total length - 97 cm.
  • ASTRO womens sweatpants pink Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants ASTROASTRO sweatpants are a material combination of velour and corduroy textures, which must undoubtedly not be missing in the wardrobe of every woman. These pants have a drawstring at the waist, so they fit any figure perfectly. They have a loose, slightly tapered cut, making them perfect for everyday wear both at home and for a walk around the city.Pink color.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • AQUA SPEED Kids's Snorkel Flippers Bounty Pattern 03
    Description: Modern, comfortable, adjustable children's fins designed for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. Their compact design, especially the short length of the fins, makes them the perfect fins for people who travel frequently and care about small size and weight of luggage. The reduced fins also make the BOUNTY fins suitable for training in the pool. The BOUNTY fins are characterised by high stability during swimming, thanks to holes in the feathers which drain some of the water, as well as elastic elements which guide the fin along the feathers as it moves through the water. The BOUNTY fins are ideal for use on the bare foot or with neoprene shoes. The adjustable strap, which is widened in the middle and can be completely removed from the adjusters, makes it extremely easy to put the fin on and take it off. In addition, this solution makes these fins fit many foot sizes. Holes in the soles of the BOUNTY fins mean that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water, out of the foot pockets. The BOUNTY fins are made from top-quality, durable materials to ensure the life of the fins, and additional rib reinforcements on the sides increase the strength of the fins and their resistance to mechanical damage. In turn, the fin's rubberised bottoms prevent slipping on wet surfaces.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Action Navy Blue Pattern 11
    Description: The ACTION training flippers from AQUA SPEED are an excellent option for those training for swimming. The comfortable, flexible wellingtons fit perfectly on the bare foot. Very easy to put on and take off thanks to the handles on the wellingtons. The ACTION fin has rubberised side reinforcements, extending its life and contributing to its stability, as well as a hole to reduce the load on the fin blade during acceleration. The ACTION fin's appropriately shaped centre and its blade made of elastic material create a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the blade, increasing thrust and swimming speed. The stiffened sole prevents muscle cramps and the rubberised underside of the fin protects against slipping on wet surfaces. With the ACTION fins you will increase your speed in the water, strengthen your leg muscles and their flexibility, and improve your swimming technique and your position in the water.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Hydro Navy Blue Pattern 11
    Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible callosha fins designed for snorkelling and recreational diving. Perfectly fitting to the bare foot, the HYDRO fins are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the grips on the callos. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the HYDRO fins are suitably reinforced and the presence of holes in the front of the wellingtons means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water, out of the wellingtons. HYDRO fins have rubberised side reinforcements, increasing the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life and affecting the stability of the fins. They also reduce vibrations caused by moving the fins underwater. Holes on the sides of the fins reduce stress on the fins during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the HYDRO fins' feathers and the two channels made of elastic material create a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, increasing thrust, swimming speed and reducing leg fatigue. To improve performance, the HYDRO fin feathers are inclined at a 20-degree angle to the calliope. HYDRO fins are an excellent choice for those who want the perfect compromise between swimming speed and leg fatigue.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Inox Pattern 05
    Description: Modern, comfortable, flexible wellington fins with a unique design for snorkelling and easy, recreational diving. The INOX fins fit perfectly on the bare foot and are very easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic material of the wellingtons. The INOX fins have rubberised side reinforcements that significantly increase the elasticity of the feathers, prolonging the life of the fins and influencing their stability when swimming. Holes in the upper part of the feathers significantly reduce the load on the feet during acceleration. The appropriately shaped centre of the INOX fins with soft rubber inserts creates a tunnel that directs the flow of water along the fins, thus increasing thrust and swimming speed, while reducing leg fatigue. In order to minimise the load exerted on the diver's feet, the soles of the INOX fins are suitably reinforced, and the presence of holes in the front of the wellies means that sand and stones do not irritate the feet and can flow freely, along with the water from them
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Pattern 82
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Snorkel Flippers Training Pattern 26
    Description: Training fins are ideal for training swimming technique and endurance. Thanks to their construction, they allow a leg movement very similar to that of a swimmer without fins. Special reinforcements located on the sides of the fins and starting already at the calves, in addition to guaranteeing the high strength of the fins, direct the water along the feathers while swimming and reduce vibrations caused by water turbulence. Aquaspeed training fins increase the efficiency of leg movements giving greater propulsive power, but at the same time increasing physical effort and allowing leg muscle strength and endurance to be increased. Aquaspeed training fins are ideal for schools and swimming clubs, as well as for people who want to train swimming recreationally in the pool on their own.
  • Koton Jogger Sweatpants with Cargo Pocket, Waist Tie, Shiny Fabric Detail
    You don't have to sacrifice your style to find comfort! Jogger sweatpants with cargo pocket detail, an elasticated waist and bright fabric will be a sought-after item for your sports outfits. You can easily combine cotton sweatpants with t-shirts, sweatshirts, singlets or sports tops!
  • Black sweatpants with eco-leather inserts
    Black sweatpants with eco-leather inserts. Product code: EM-DR-HS-21-560.20Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Dimensions of the model: height 173 cm, breasts 85 cm, waist 62 cm, hips 95 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 36 cm, waist height - 31 cm, total length - 93 cm.
  • Women's sweatpants JAMES beige Dstreet
    JAMES sweatpantsSweatpants are a definite must in every wardrobe, regardless of the season. They are made of quality material imitating corduroy. At the bottom of the legs there is a patch, which is a decorative element. It goes great with both a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. Available in several colours.Color beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • STARLUXE ladies sweatpants, camel, Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants STARLUXESTARLUXE sweatpants should be in every woman's wardrobe. These pants are made of premium soft corduroy fabric and provide absolute comfort. The model has a drawstring at the waist, which makes it fit perfectly on any figure. Perfect for everyday use, a must have!Colour: Camel.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • STARLUXE ladies sweatpants dark gray Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants STARLUXESTARLUXE sweatpants should be in every woman's wardrobe. These pants are made of premium soft corduroy fabric and provide absolute comfort. The model has a drawstring at the waist, which makes it fit perfectly on any figure. Perfect for everyday use, a must have!Taupe.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Women's sweatpants MORELO beige Dstreet
    Sweatpants MORELOThey are super comfortable and very phenomenal sweatpants! They will provide you with comfort in any situation. You can wear them every day, to school, for walks or out. Trousers with elasticized waistband and hem on legs. They are made of high quality material. You have to have them!Color beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • DRESLILLY II Women's Tracksuit light gray Dstreet
    Tracksuit DRESSLILY IIA basic tracksuit must not be missing in every wardrobe. The versatile and timeless set will prove itself in sports and everyday stylizations. Great for jogging or just walking the dog. We recommend.Colour: Light grey.Composition: 65% cotton, 35% polyester. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • NIGHTFALL Womens Sweatpants, Dark Beige, Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants NIGHTFALLThe NIGHTFALL sweatpants are the perfect basis for your styling. Made of soft corduroy material, they will give you comfort and a unique look. The model has side pockets on the legs and a drawstring at the waist. They have a tapered cut that perfectly highlights the figure.Color: Dark beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • MOONLIGHT women's sweatpants beige Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants MOONLIGHTMOONLIGHT sweatpants are an undoubted must in every woman's wardrobe. This model is made of pleasant and soft to the touch corduroy material. These pants have an elasticated waistband with a comfortable wide elastic that makes the pants fit any figure perfectly. They have a loose, slightly tapered cut, making them perfect for everyday wear both at home and for a walk around the city.Color beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Women's sweatpants STARLUXE dark beige Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants STARLUXESTARLUXE sweatpants should be in every woman's wardrobe. These pants are made of premium soft corduroy fabric and provide absolute comfort. The model has a drawstring at the waist, which makes it fit perfectly on any figure. Perfect for everyday use, a must have!Color: Dark beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • LUNASLEEP ladies sweatpants dark beige Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants LUNASLEEPLUNASLEEP sweatpants are a hit of the autumn and winter season. High-quality soft corduroy material will give you complete comfort. This model has a drawstring at the waist and at the bottom of the legs, thanks to which the trousers fit perfectly for any figure. They have a fitted fit that makes them ideal for everyday wear.Color: Dark beige.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Black women's sweatpants with application
    Black women's sweatpants with appliqué. Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 34 cm, waist height - 28 cm, total length - 90 cm.
  • Pink women's tracksuit with trousers
    Pink set of women's sweatpants . Product code: RV-KMPL-7785.91PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: Everyday, to work, to summer, to the city The model is wearing size S/M. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of the set in size S/M measured flat: waist width - 58 cm, sleeve length - 63 cm, sweatshirt length - 62 cm, waist width - 38 cm, waist height - 30 cm, leg length - 104 cm.
  • LUNASLEEP Womens Sweatpants, Camel, Dstreet
    Women's sweatpants LUNASLEEPLUNASLEEP sweatpants are a hit of the autumn and winter season. High-quality soft corduroy material will give you complete comfort. This model has a drawstring at the waist and at the bottom of the legs, thanks to which the trousers fit perfectly for any figure. They have a fitted fit that makes them ideal for everyday wear.Colour: Camel.Composition: 65% cotton, 30% polyester, 5% elastane. Model dimensions:Hips: 85 cmWaist: 68 cmBreast: 87 cmHeight: 172 cmShoe size: 39The model wears a size S
  • Khaki women's sweatpants with tie
    Khaki women's sweatpants with ties . Product code: RV-DR-8518.08PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 34 cm, waist height - 28 cm, total length - 90 cm.
  • Beige women's sweatpants with inscriptions
    Beige women's sweatpants with inscriptions . Product code: RV-DR-8545.02PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 171 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 88 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 30 cm, total length - 97 cm.
  • Ženske trenirke donji dio Trendyol Trendyol
    Trendyol ženske trenirke.<br />- elastični pojas<br />- struk podesiv<br />- široka noga<br />Dimenzije modela: Visina: 173 cm, Poprsje: 79 cm, struk: 60 cm, Bokovi: 90 cm.<br />Proizvod na modelu je veličine S/36.<br />Materijal: 72 % pamuk, 22 % poliester, 6 % elastin
  • LC Waikiki Comfortable Fit Women's Sweatpants with Elastic Waist
    Women's sweatpants stand out with the superior comfort and durability offered by the 3-yarn fabric. With its elastic waist and comfortable fit, it offers you excellent comfort. It's an excellent option for a wide range of activities, from sports activities to daily use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Seat Kiddie Octopus
    Description: A KIDDIE seat is a great way to introduce your toddler to water. colourful and sympathetic design will make for the youngest every trip to the pool will be a pleasant adventure. Made of durable PVC plastic with 4 separate air chambers, the KIDDIE seat provides optimal comfort while allowing toddlers to move their legs and arms freely. The seat has an inflatable headrest for increased comfort of use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Seat Kiddie Unicorn
    Description: A KIDDIE seat is a great way to introduce your toddler to water. colourful and sympathetic design will make for the youngest every trip to the pool will be a pleasant adventure. Made of durable PVC plastic with 4 separate air chambers, the KIDDIE seat provides optimal comfort while allowing toddlers to move their legs and arms freely. The seat has an inflatable headrest for increased comfort of use.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Sleeves Aqua Premium Pattern 03
    Description: These unique Aquaspeed swimming learning gloves are made of high-strength PVC material, combined with a material lining from the inside which together provide the ultimate in comfort of Use and ease of putting on and off. Two air chambers guarantee excellent buoyancy, and vibrant colour tones will allow parents or trainers to constantly control the baby in the water. These high-quality gloves will help your child gain confidence in the water while learning to swim.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Sleeves Pattern 75
    Description: These classic swimming learning gloves from Aquaspeed are made of high-strength PVC material that also provides comfort of use. Two air chambers guarantee excellent buoyancy, and the bright orange colour will allow parents or trainers to constantly control the baby in the water. These high-quality gloves will help your child gain confidence in the water while learning to swim.
  • Grey women's tracksuit with sweatshirt
    Grey women's tracksuit with sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-791.71Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 175 cm, breast 84 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 92 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 60 cm, sleeve length - 60 cm, sweatshirt length - 67 cm, trouser waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 32 cm, trouser length - 98 cm.
  • Basic grey tracksuit with zippered sweatshirt
    Grey basic tracksuit with zip-up sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-774.05Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model dimensions: height 170 cm, chest 93 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 93 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 60 cm, the length of the sleeve - 66 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 58 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 35 cm, the height of the waist - 34 cm, the length of the trousers - 107 cm.
  • Peach basic plus size tracksuit with sweatshirt
    Basic Peach plus size tracksuit with sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-AS-21-447.74Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size L. Model's measurements: height 172 cm, breasts 103 cm, waist 73 cm, hips 103 cm. The dimensions of the set in size L are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 64 cm, the length of the sleeve - 64 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 55 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 39 cm, the waist height - 32 cm, the length of the trousers - 99 cm.
  • Women's tracksuit Ecru with straight trousers
    Ecru women's tracksuit with straight trousers . Product code: EM-KMPL-758.01PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 175 cm, breast 84 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 92 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 58 cm, the length of the sleeve - 58 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 65 cm, the width of the leg at the waist - 35 cm, the waist height - 32 cm, the length of the leg - 99 cm.
  • Ženska trenirka donji dio Happiness İstanbul
    Ženska trenirka/hlače brenda Happiness Istanbul.<br />- podesiv struk s uzicom<br />- bočni džepovi<br />- struk i nogavice završeni rubom<br />- udoban kroj<br />Mjere modela: visina: 173 cm, grudi: 86 cm, struk: 60 cm, bokovi: 89 cm.<br />Materijal: 95% poliester, 5% elastin
  • Green tracksuit basic set with short sweatshirt
    Green basic tracksuit with short sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-774.16Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model's measurements: height 168 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 91 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 60 cm, the length of the sleeve - 66 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 58 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 35 cm, the height of the waist - 34 cm, the length of the trousers - 107 cm.
  • Women's camel tracksuit with hems
    Women's Camel tracksuit with cuffs . Product code: BA-KMPL-Z-236.01Dominant pattern: letteringStyle: Casual, sportyOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk, for summer The model is wearing size S. Measurements: height 175 cm, breasts 84 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of the set in size S measured flat: armpit blouse width - 57 cm, blouse length - 48 cm, waist leg width - 35 cm, waist height - 33 cm, leg length - 99 cm.
  • Fuchsia Women's Tracksuit with Pockets
    Fuchsia women's tracksuit with pockets . Product code: EM-KMPL-791.02Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model's measurements: height 168 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 60 cm, sleeve length - 60 cm, sweatshirt length - 67 cm, trouser waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 32 cm, trouser length - 98 cm.
  • Basic black tracksuit with wide legs
    Basic black tracksuit with wide legs. Product code: EM-KMPL-774.06Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model's measurements: height 168 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 91 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 60 cm, the length of the sleeve - 66 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 58 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 35 cm, the height of the waist - 34 cm, the length of the trousers - 107 cm.
  • Green Women's Tracksuit with Oversized Sweatshirt
    Green women's tracksuit with oversize sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-791.71Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model dimensions: height 170 cm, chest 93 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 93 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 60 cm, sleeve length - 60 cm, sweatshirt length - 67 cm, trouser waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 32 cm, trouser length - 98 cm.
  • Mint three-piece tracksuit with top
    Mint three-piece tracksuit with top . Product code: EM-KMPL-772.71Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 175 cm, chest 84 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 92 cm Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 57 cm, sleeve length - 65 cm, sweatshirt length - 65 cm, top width under the arms - 33, top length - 44 cm, leg width at the waist - 34 cm, waist height - 34 cm, leg length - 108 cm.
  • Dark beige tracksuit with oversized sweatshirt
    Dark beige tracksuit with oversize sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-791.55Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model dimensions: height 170 cm, chest 93 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 93 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 60 cm, sleeve length - 60 cm, sweatshirt length - 67 cm, trouser waist width - 35 cm, waist height - 32 cm, trouser length - 98 cm.
  • Light pink three-piece tracksuit with trousers
    Light pink three-piece tracksuit with trousers . Product code: EM-KMPL-772.07Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 175 cm, chest 84 cm, waist 65 cm, hips 92 cm Dimensions of the set in one size measured flat: sweatshirt width under the armpits - 57 cm, sleeve length - 65 cm, sweatshirt length - 65 cm, top width under the arms - 33, top length - 44 cm, leg width at the waist - 34 cm, waist height - 34 cm, leg length - 108 cm.
  • Tessita Woman's Pants T384 8
    Description:Jogger pants, sewn from sweatshirt fabric, are a MUST-HAVE for this season. The model has a classic loose cut, includes an elastic waist and legs. Tracksuit is made of breathable and soft material that provides comfort and convenience. The pants are sewn from a knitted fabric with the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certificate and are available in 8 colors. Our model is 175 cm tall and is wearing size S.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, iron max temp 100°C without steam, do not dry clean
  • Tessita Woman's Pants T384 6
    Description:Jogger pants, sewn from sweatshirt fabric, are a MUST-HAVE for this season. The model has a classic loose cut, includes an elastic waist and legs. Tracksuit is made of breathable and soft material that provides comfort and convenience. The pants are sewn from a knitted fabric with the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certificate and are available in 8 colors. Our model is 175 cm tall and is wearing size S.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, iron max temp 100°C without steam, do not dry clean
  • LC Waikiki Women's Joggers Sweatpants with Pocket Detailed Printed Elastic Waist.
    Product Description Made of cotton-blend sweatshirt fabric; Elastic, adjustable drawstring waist; The legs are ribbed; Pockets on both sides; Information on the Model Bust: 83 cm Waist: 58 cm Hips: 90 cm Height: 171 cm The model wears a size S product. Product Content and Features Product Content: Main fabric: 57% Polyester 43% Cotton Product Features: Gender: Women Style: Casual/Casual Fabric: Sweatshirt fabric Fit: Comfort Fit Pattern: Printed / Patterned Brand: LCW Casual Thickness: Medium Thickness. Product Type : Sweatpants
  • Women's black tracksuit
    FI534 Women's Black Tracksuit - Wholesale - Online - Online Women's Clothing Wholesale
  • LC Waikiki Women's Elastic Waist Text Printed Jogger Sweatpants
    Thick sweatshirt fabric with a soft pile interior has an elasticated waist, pockets on both sides, and ribbed legs.
  • Tessita Woman's Pants T256 2
    Description:Very comfy sporty carrot pants made of best quality cotton knit. Two side pockets. Elastic band at the waist. Legs finished with a ribbing. Fabric is stretchy.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, iron max temp 100°C without steam, do not dry clean
  • Tessita Woman's Pants T256 1
    Description:Very comfy sporty carrot pants made of best quality cotton knit. Two side pockets. Elastic band at the waist. Legs finished with a ribbing. Fabric is stretchy.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, iron max temp 100°C without steam, do not dry clean
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Boards WAVE Kickboard 03
    Description: The AQUA SPEED WAVE swim board is designed to help you with your swimming training. By immobilizing your arms while holding the board, you will improve leg strength, ankle flexibility and practice leg movements while swimming. Thanks to the buoyancy of the WAVE board, training with it will firm your lower body and improve your balance and body alignment in the water. The WAVE board has two handles for comfort and easy change of hand position. Made of durable, top-quality EVA foam, the WAVE board will serve you for a long time. Hardness (Shore scale) 35 C.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Boards WAVE Kickboard 38
    Description: The AQUA SPEED WAVE swim board is designed to help you with your swimming training. By immobilizing your arms while holding the board, you will improve leg strength, ankle flexibility and practice leg movements while swimming. Thanks to the buoyancy of the WAVE board, training with it will firm your lower body and improve your balance and body alignment in the water. The WAVE board has two handles for comfort and easy change of hand position. Made of durable, top-quality EVA foam, the WAVE board will serve you for a long time. Hardness (Shore scale) 35 C.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Boards WAVE Kickboard 26
    Description: The AQUA SPEED WAVE swim board is designed to help you with your swimming training. By immobilizing your arms while holding the board, you will improve leg strength, ankle flexibility and practice leg movements while swimming. Thanks to the buoyancy of the WAVE board, training with it will firm your lower body and improve your balance and body alignment in the water. The WAVE board has two handles for comfort and easy change of hand position. Made of durable, top-quality EVA foam, the WAVE board will serve you for a long time. Hardness (Shore scale) 35 C.
  • AQUA SPEED Unisex's Swimming Boards WAVE Kickboard 75
    Description: The AQUA SPEED WAVE swim board is designed to help you with your swimming training. By immobilizing your arms while holding the board, you will improve leg strength, ankle flexibility and practice leg movements while swimming. Thanks to the buoyancy of the WAVE board, training with it will firm your lower body and improve your balance and body alignment in the water. The WAVE board has two handles for comfort and easy change of hand position. Made of durable, top-quality EVA foam, the WAVE board will serve you for a long time. Hardness (Shore scale) 35 C.
  • Fuchsia basic tracksuit with slit trousers
    Fuchsia basic tracksuit with slit pants. Product code: EM-KMPL-774.15Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model's measurements: height 168 cm, breasts 89 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 91 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 60 cm, the length of the sleeve - 66 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 58 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 35 cm, the height of the waist - 34 cm, the length of the trousers - 107 cm.
  • Ecru basic tracksuit with short sweatshirt
    Basic Ecru tracksuit with short sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-774.15Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, for a walk, to the city The model is wearing one size. Model dimensions: height 170 cm, chest 93 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 93 cm. The dimensions of the set in one size are measured flat: the width of the sweatshirt in the armpits - 60 cm, the length of the sleeve - 66 cm, the length of the sweatshirt - 58 cm, the width of the waist of the trousers - 35 cm, the height of the waist - 34 cm, the length of the trousers - 107 cm.
  • Women's black sweatpants with tie
    Black women's sweatpants with ties . Product code: LK-SP-508922-1.30XDominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S/M. Model's measurements: height 167 cm, breasts 73 cm, waist 64 cm, hips 91 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S/M measured flat: waist width - 34 cm, waist height - 29 cm, total length - 104 cm.
  • Two-tone tracksuit with transparent sleeve inserts, beige
    Two-tone tracksuit with transparent inserts beige FI530 - Wholesale - Online - Online - Online wholesale of women's clothing
  • Under Armour Pants UA Rival Fleece Joggers&-GRY - Women
    Extra soft, medium-thick cotton fleece with a brushed interior for extra warmth.Elastic waistband with external drawcord.Open hand pockets.Elongated ribbed cuffs.Leg span: 69,85cm.Tapered leg fit.
  • Light pink sweatpants with pockets
    Light pink joggers with pockets. Product code: EM-DR-HS-21-549.37Dominant pattern: smoothStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing size S. Dimensions of the model: height 173 cm, breasts 85 cm, waist 62 cm, hips 95 cm. Dimensions of trousers in size S, measured flat: waist width - 36 cm, waist height - 33 cm, total length - 99 cm.
  • Ženske trenerke donji dio Glano Glano
    Ženske trenirke Glano.<br />- Rez nogu blago sužen<br />- Elastični pojas sa uvezom<br />- Noge sa elastičnim rubom<br />- Dva bočna džepa<br />Materijal: 65% pamuk, 35% poliester
  • Women's tracksuit GLANO - black/light gray
    Get ready for a fashion breakthrough with this women's tracksuit! With a sweatshirt so soft you can use it as a pillow for undisturbed sleep, and sweatpants so elastic that they will stretch with you on the dance floor and in an improvised breakdance. Dress in this tracksuit and be prepared for all the obstacles that will come into life. With this amazing pair of sweatshirts and sweatpants, you get a great look that screams, "I'm cool and ready for all of life's challenges, whether it's sprinting around the shops or relaxing in front of the TV!"Set - hoodie and sweatpantsslim cut, fits the figureelastic materialinner soft combed sideSweatshirt: zip closureBottom and sleeves finished with hemhood - cannot be regulated by cords2 external pocketssweatpants: front 2 outside pocketsBack without pocketsElastic at waist, adjustable with drawstringswashing method: in the washing machine at 30°CMaterial: 65% cotton, 35% polyesterThis modern women's tracksuit GLANO is an ideal choice for leisure, sports, training, trips, cycling, etc.
  • Light grey basic tracksuit with sweatshirt
    Light grey basic tracksuit with sweatshirt . Product code: EM-KMPL-661.10Dominant pattern: melangeStyle: CasualOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 172 cm, breasts 88 cm, waist 63 cm, hips 92 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size, measured flat: armpit width - 58 cm, sweatshirt length - 60 cm, sleeve length - 65 cm, waist width - 34 cm, leg length - 99 cm.
  • Black basic tracksuit with trousers
    Black basic tracksuit with trousers . Product code: EM-KMPL-629-1.99PDominant pattern: smoothStyle: Casual, sportyOccasion: every day, to the city, for a walk The model is wearing one size. Model measurements: height 172 cm, breasts 88 cm, waist 63 cm, hips 92 cm. Dimensions of the set in one size, measured flat: armpit width - 60 cm, sweatshirt length - 57 cm, sleeve length - 64 cm, waist width - 38 cm, leg length - 99 cm.

Posljednje pregledano

Popusti 50%, Akcije, Rasprodaje Sportska odjeća za ženske - Sportska odjeća bitna je za dobro obavljanje sportskih aktivnosti. Često smanjuje i mogućnost ozljeda. Takva odjeća posebno je dizajnirana, napravljena od specijalnih materijala koji omogućuju sve potrebne kretnje, pružaju zaštitu i daju koži da diše. Odabir prave sportske odjeće ozbiljna je odluka pa savjetujemo da malo više razmišljanja posvetite pregledu mogućnosti odabira prije kupnje. U sportsku odjeću ubrajaju se kratke hlače, majice i dresovi za aktivnosti s loptom poput nogometa, rukometa, košarke i odbojke, vjetrovke, jakne i hlače za trčanje ili rolanje, debele jakne i skafanderi za zimske sportove poput skijanja, tu su i posebni odjevni predmeti za aktivnosti poput planinarenja. U sportsku odjeću uključeni su i odjevni predmeti za fitness i teretanu. Kod izbora sportske odjeće najbitnije je pripaziti na materijal. On mora biti prilagođen sportu ili aktivnosti koju ćemo obavljati. Neki materijali moraju zadržavati toplinu, dok drugi trebaju omogućiti koži da diše. Ako birate sportsku odjeću za fitness, teretanu i trčanje, imate velik izbor raznih tajica, hlačica i majica dugih i kratkih rukava, uz tijelo ili širih. Sportska odjeća ne mora biti uobičajenih boja poput sive, bijele, crvene, plave i crne. Dostupni su brojni modeli sa zanimljivim bojama i uzorcima, koji će vas motivirati da se sportu posvetite još intenzivnije. Često sportsku odjeću poput trenerki nosimo i u drugim situacijama u kojima nam treba udobnost i mogućnost lakog kretanja. Primjer su izleti u prirodu i kraća ili duža putovanja.

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