Durable material wicks sweat away and dries really quickly.The new Locked-In Fit construction keeps the sock securely on the heel.Full-foot medium cushioning for comfort and protection.Mesh panels on the instep for extra breathability.Built-in arch support helps reduce foot fatigue.3 pairs of socks.
Men's Boxer Shorts Covert Are you looking for boxer shorts that are invisible under your clothes? Then these boxer shorts from the Czech brand Covert are the right choice! The Covert Underwear invisible boxers are primarily designed for men who like to wear light pants or, conversely, dark ones. The invisible color will ensure their complete invisibility. Boxer shorts are so comfortable that you will love them at any time of the year. The cotton material used is very comfortable for all-day wear. From our own experience, we can only recommend these boxer shorts. They have a classic elastic band and longer leg loops. As far as washing is concerned - our recommendation is to wash them at a maximum of 60°C and dry them in the dryer at a low temperature, otherwise it may happen that it will no longer be possible to wear the boxers. Size chartCOVERT - MEN BOXER SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNFOLDED (CM) S 70-75 31.5 M 76-80 33 L 81-84 36 XL 85-89 37.5 XXL 90-94 38.5 3XL 95-100 40
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
<pre data-placeholder="Preklad" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text">Mu&scaron;ke tajice Packaged Base 3.0 marke Under Armour.- UA Base 3 pruža umjerenu toplinu- UA Scent Control, hvata i potiskuje mirise- mekana četkana mreža iznutra hvata zrak, kontrolira mikroklimu va&scaron;eg tijela i održava vas toplim i ugodnim- materijal upija znoj i vrlo se brzo su&scaron;i- 4-Way Stretch tehnologija- elastični struk</pre>
Men's boxer shorts Styx Are you looking for comfortable boxer shorts made of 100% cotton that won't cut anywhere? Then the Styx boxer shorts are the right choice! These Styx boxer shorts are made of 100% cotton, which makes them very comfortable for all-day wear, but you can also use them for classic home lounging. The boxer shorts have a fly with a button, a fifth part inserted in the back, so they won't cut anywhere. The elastic is classic and the top is decorated with a patch of the Styx logo. The boxer shorts are packaged according to the current collection of the Styx brand. As far as washing is concerned - let's agree that you will wash them only at 30°C and not dry them in the dryer, otherwise it could happen that it will no longer be possible to wear them - you can find out more below in the classic product information. Size chartSTYX - MEN SHORTS WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED (CM) S 70-80 34.5 M 80-90 38 L 90-100 40 XL 100-110 43 XXL 110-120 45.5 3XL 120-130 47.5 4XL 130-140 49 5XL 140-150 51.5
2-piece set with a boy's t-shirt and capri cotton pants. Short-sleeved T-shirt in combed cotton with a print. Complementing the set is a comfortable capri capri in combed cotton fabric with a low crotch and a print on one leg. The waist is elastic and has a drawcord. This product has been produced in accordance with "Child Safety Rules" in European standards. It was passed through needle detectors. Top 95% Cotton 5% Elastane Bottom 34% Cotton 66% Polyester
MEN'S BOXERS ATLANTIC MAGIC POCKETBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Microfiber rubber is flexible and non-compression. It provides the highest wearing comfort. It is "breathable" due to the ability to conduct moisture. It is resistant to pilling and abrasion, does not deform even after many washes.Cotton is pleasant to the touch, resistant to high temperatures and stretching. Due to its ability to absorb water, it does not cause unpleasant sensations such as sweating. It is also an ideal choice for allergy sufferers – it does not cause allergies. Cotton is one of the most popular fabrics in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear. Men's boxers Magic Pocket are of a sporty character characterized by short legs (mini) and low waist ending with elastic outer rubber with the addition of fine microfiber. The boxer shorts also have shaping seams and a basket with a magic pocket. It is the latter that is responsible for lifting and enlarging the penis. Magic Pocket boxers are made of cotton stretch fabric, which is a combination of tactile cotton and stretch elastane. The skin-friendly fabric is breathable and prevents excessive sweating of the body. In addition, it retains its properties for a long period of use. Boxer shorts fit perfectly on the figure and provide the highest wearing comfort.95% cotton, 5% elastane
Djevice su zemaljski znak koji se često pogre&scaron;no shvaća. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku vjerni su i praktični s vrlo dobrim analitičkim razmi&scaron;ljanjem. Djevice veliki naglasak stavljaju na najsitnije detalje i imaju veliki osjećaj za humanost, zahvaljujući kojoj uvijek znaju rije&scaron;iti probleme.<br />Ove plavo-bež bokserice pomoći će svojim nositeljima da u svom okruženju &scaron;ire atmosferu čistoće i nevinosti. Međutim, tokom no&scaron;enja na&scaron;ih Virgo bokseric sramežljive Djevice ne moraju brinuti hoće li postati centar pažnje.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Vaga je jedan od zračnih znakova. Ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom su &scaron;armantne osobe snažnog intelekta. Vaga se svrstava među diplomatske i miroljubive pojedince koji vole pravdu, sklad i blagostanje. Ne vole sukobe pa ih stalno izbjegavaju. Vaga je vrlo neodlučna. Zato ih ne preporučujemo za važne odluke.<br />U boksericama Libra slobodno vrijeme bit će ugodnije za sve dru&scaron;tvene vage koje ne vole biti same. Također sa sigurno&scaron;ću možemo reći da će im ove bež i crvene bokserice pružiti odličnu ravnotežu, &scaron;to je ključni aspekt sretnog života.&nbsp;<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Osobe rođene u vatrenom znaku strijelca zbog svoje optimističke prirode smatraju se sretnim ljudima. Strijelci su vrlo velikodu&scaron;ni, zabavni i otvoreni, obožavaju vlastitu slobodu i putovanja. Tokom svog života žele doživjeti &scaron;to je vi&scaron;e moguće i stoga često obećavaju vi&scaron;e nego &scaron;to mogu ispuniti. Prepoznat ćete ih i tako &scaron;to će odmah reći &scaron;to imaju na umu.<br />Ove crno -plave bokserice namijenjene su svim znatiželjnim Strijelcima koji uživaju u promjenama i učinit će sve da postignu svoje ciljeve. U na&scaron;im boksericama Strijelci njihovi će pustolovni nositelji biti neograničeni i moći će uživati u svojim avanturama.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Bikovi stoje nogama čvrsto na zemlji. Ljudi rođeni pod ovim zemljanim znakom vrlo su stabilni, odgovorni i strpljivi. Oni stvari vide iz realne perspektive i uvijek stoje uz ljude do kojih im je stalo. Međutim, ne preporučujemo da ulazite u sukob s bikovima jer su vrlo tvrdoglavi i beskompromisni.<br />Na&scaron;e Taurus bokserice dizajnirane su za sve pouzdane bikove koji bez problema mogu podnijeti svaku krizu. Ove narančasto-smeđe bokserice pomoći će im da čvrsto izdrže sve komplikacije i iznenadne promjene u životu, nakon čega će opet doći trenuci uživanja.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Ribe su karakterističan vodeni znak. Ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom vrlo su ljubazni, prijateljski nastrojeni i suosjećajni pa mogu pomoći svojim najmilijima u svakoj situaciji. Ribe su sanjari i često žele pobjeći od stvarnosti. Ne vole strah i ako ih ne želite uzrujati, preporučujemo da ih ne kritizirate.<br />Na&scaron;e bokserice Pisces dizajnirane su za sve empatične i intuitivne du&scaron;e koje su izuzetno tolerantne i daju sve od sebe da rije&scaron;e probleme. Ove crveno-plave bokserice potaknut će kreativnost i zahvaljujući svom dizajnu ispunit će sve Ribe beskrajnom ljubavlju.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Jarac je zemljani znak koji se svrstava među najpraktičnije znakove cijelog zodijaka. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku prirodno su inteligentni, stabilni i odgovorni. Izuzetno su uporni, ambiciozni i imaju realan pogled na svijet. Zato uvijek očekuju najgore. Kad ih neko razočara vrlo te&scaron;ko opra&scaron;taju..&nbsp;<br />Ove narančasto-crne bokserice namijenjene su svim discipliniranim Jarcima koji lako prevladavaju sve prepreke. Kao bonus, na&scaron;e Capricorn bokserice mogu pomoći svim tim pojedincima s izvrsnim organizacijskim sposobnostima u dugoročnom planiranju.<br />Weight: 160 gsm<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
If you want underwear for men that will suit you and still wear well, then the Gino bamboo boxers are a great choice. Comfortable men's boxers in a tight-fitting cut will be appreciated by lovers of both classic and modern looks. Bamboo boxers Gino for every occasion Bamboo fibers are one of the materials that have become very popular in recent years - and it's no wonder. Bamboo boxers are flexible, pleasant to the touch, you don't sweat in them in summer and your butt doesn't freeze in winter. In short, bamboo underwear is suitable for any occasion and will also serve well as functional underwear during sports. The Gino boxers have a comfortable, wider elastic band that does not cut into the waist. Longer leg loops do not roll, nicely lengthen the legs and are comfortable for work and lying on the couch. The Czech brand Gino offers quality men's underwear The Gino brand comes from Hradec Králové and focuses on quality underwear for modern men. You can look forward to contemporary materials and sophisticated cuts that fit perfectly. The proof is not only the Gino bamboo boxers, but also briefs, looser shorts or socks and pajamas. There is something for all men – those who prefer muted shades, as well as those who like bright underwear colors. Size chartGINO - MEN BOXER SHORTS BAMBOO SIZE MARKING HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED (CM) S S/M 70-76 32 M M/L 77-83 34 L L/XL 84-95 38 XL XL/XXL 96-110 40 XXL XXL/3XL 111-122 43
Ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom vodenog znaka Raka su vjerni, uporni i emocionalni. Njihova uvjerljiva osobnost puna ideja garantuje im nove prijatelje, a također i puno zabave sa svojim najmilijima. Ti ljudi su vrlo brižni i izbjegavaju sukobe. Međutim, treba biti oprezan jer rakovi mogu vrlo brzo promijeniti raspoloženje i mogu biti manipulativni.<br />Na&scaron;e Cancer bokserice stvorene su za sve brižne rakove koji su uvijek od pomoći drugim ljudima. A &scaron;to je najbolje? Zahvaljujući ovim zeleno-sivim boksericama simpatični rakovi izazivaju pažnju okoline.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ravni &scaron;avovi<br />- ugodan materijal<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Ovan je vatreni znak, pa su ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom vrlo energični, impulzivni i samouvjereni. Kad ne&scaron;to žele, mogu biti vrlo hrabri, odlučni i po&scaron;teni. S druge strane, kao pravi ovnovi ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku mogu biti vrlo razdražljivi, hiroviti i posebno nestrpljivi - brzo ih možete razljutiti svojim neradom ili ka&scaron;njenjem.<br />Ove vesele žuto-plave bokserice prikladne su za sve strastvene optimiste koji uživaju u novim izazovima. U danima koje provode u na&scaron;im Aries boxericama nije važno &scaron;to prvo poduzmu akciju, a zatim razmi&scaron;ljaju, jer u ovim čarapama će uživati u svim trenucimao.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Durable material wicks sweat away and dries really quickly.The new Locked-In Fit construction keeps the sock securely on the heel.Full-foot medium cushioning for comfort and protection.Mesh panels on the instep for extra breathability.Built-in arch support helps reduce foot fatigue.3 pairs of socks.
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s trunks in an original design with a color print of popular cartoon characters.<br />- Elasticated, branded waistband<br />- Comfotable fit<br />- Weight: 150 gsm<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;100% cotton
Vodeni znak &scaron;korpiona smatra se najkompliciranijim znakom cijelog zodijaka. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku strastveni su, razumni i istovremeno vrlo tvrdoglavi. Njihova važna osobina ličnosti je iskrenost i pravda. Zahvaljujući njima mogu čuvati tajne, &scaron;to ih čini velikim prijateljima. S druge strane, vrlo su nepovjerljivi, tajnoviti i ljubomorni pa će vas prije nego &scaron;to vam priđu temeljito provjeriti.<br />Ove crno-crvene bokserice predodređene su da postanu sjajni partneri za sve odlučne &scaron;korpione na putu do ispunjenja svojih ciljeva. Na&scaron;e Scorpio bokserice su stvorene za pobjednike, s kojima će jasno stvoriti dugogodi&scaron;nje prijateljstvo.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke čarape.<br />- 5 pari u paketu<br />- niski kroj<br />- udobna i mekana tkanina<br />Materijal: 66% pamuk, 30% poliamid, 4% elastin
Tommy Hilfiger čarape savr&scaron;eno prianjaju uz stopalo, ne gube fleksibilnost ni nakon dugog no&scaron;enja, jamče najveću udobnost tijekom kori&scaron;tenja.Idelane su za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje. Čarape nisu samo udobne, već i moderne, a zahvaljujući visokokvalitetnim materijalima stopalima daju osjećaj ugode.<br /><br />Materijal: 74% pamuk, 24% poliamid, 2% elastin
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
Men's classic boxer shorts with buttons ATLANTICClassic boxers with outer rubber made of pima cotton with modal. A loose fit, standard waist height and long legs ensure comfort and freedom of movement.Outer rubberflexible and non-compressionprovides the highest wearing comfortconducts moisture well , has "breathing" propertiesresistant to pilling and abrasiondoes not deform even after many washesAtlantic underwear, Basic collectionBasic Man is a collection available in our offer all year round. Behind the name Basic Man hides underwear of a classic character, in the basic range of colors - from white, through gray melange and graphite to black. For its production we use cotton, cotton with added elastane, pima cotton, modal and bamboo. The distinctive features of the Atlantic Basic Man collection are 100% comfort, perfect fit and the highest quality Atlantic.PIMA COTTON fabricPima cotton is recognized as the best cotton on the market. It is characterized by unusual softness to the touch . The fiber is longer and more flexible than normal cotton. Soft material with a silky texture does not deform or pill. Manufactured: in. in South America, Peru and Australia. It is famous for its softness, excellent strength and ability to absorb moisture .We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to our signage and instructions. Good wearing!Wash underwear at a maximum temperature of 40°C. Do not bleach it or tumble dry. Also, do not dry clean underwear. After drying, dress or iron it immediately at max. 150 °C.Classic men's loose-fitting boxers, standard waist height and long legs ensure comfort and freedom of movement. The boxers are made of extremely soft, almost silky Pima cotton, which is also durable and resistant to pilling.graphiteIdeal for every dayperfectly adapts to the bodysoft and pleasant to the touchfor maximum comfort with comfortable, wide outer elastication at the waist46% Pima Cotton, 47% Modal, 7% Elastanemade in China
Comfortable men's boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Kao &scaron;to je lav kralj džungle, tako su ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom ovog znaka predodređeni da budu vođe i imaju specifičnu moć. Lav je vatreni znak i zato su njegovi nositelji strastvene, dominantne i samouvjerene ličnosti. Lavovi i lavice su vrlo kreativni, velikodu&scaron;ni i veseli ljudi. Vole se zabavljati s prijateljima i uživati u divljenju drugih. S druge strane, ako im netko ne odgovara, mogu biti vrlo arogantni, tvrdoglavi i sebični.<br />Ove ljubičasto-žute bokserice izvlače dominantne lavove iz svakodnevnog stereotipa i vode ih do vala uživanja u životu. Jednostavno rečeno, u na&scaron;im Leo boksericama njihovi će se nositelji osjećati kraljevski jer ih okolina neće ignorisati.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
High socks with the inscription be normal. The socks have an elasticated hem and a reinforced heel and toe. Smooth and monochromatic.Underwear cannot be returned for hygienic reasons.
Ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom Blizanaca vrlo su dru&scaron;tveni, komunikativni i uvijek spremni za zabavu. Međutim, ovaj zračni znak krije dvije različite osobnosti. Ugodni i ljubazni ljudi mogu se odmah pretvoriti u promi&scaron;ljene, neodlučne i nervozne pojedince. Blizanci ne vole provoditi vrijeme sami, pa ako upoznate osobu rođenu u ovom znaku, možete biti sigurni da ćete s njim definitivno biti prijatelj.<br />Na&scaron;e Gemini bokserice namijenjene su svim znatiželjnim blizancima koji će istraživati svijet oko sebe i sami iskusiti sve moguće avanture. Stoga možemo sa sigurno&scaron;ću reći da, noseći ove zeleno-žute bokserice, ne moraju brinuti da će im se život pretvoriti u svakodnevnu rutinu. U njima se nikada nećete dosađivati niti osjećati usamljeno.<br />Material: 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s trunks in an original design with a color print of popular comics.<br />- Elasticated, branded waistband<br />- Comfotable fit<br />- Weight: 150 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;100% cotton
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice originalnog dizajna s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ugodan materijal<br />- težina: 150 gsm<br /><br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
<pre dir="ltr">Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke bokserice savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu, udobnom kroju i ravnim &scaron;avovima.- ravni &scaron;avovi- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas- ugodan materijalMaterijal: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin</pre>
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ravni &scaron;avovi<br />- ugodan materijal<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Comfortable men&#39;s trunks in an original design with a color print of popular cartoon characters.<br />- Elasticated, branded waistband<br />- Comfotable fit<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;100% cotton
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
Comfortable men&#39;s trunks in an original design with a color print of popular comics.<br />- Elasticated, branded waistband<br />- Comfotable fit<br />- Weight: 150 gsm<br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;100% cotton
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ravni &scaron;avovi<br />- ugodan materijal<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Fun men's boxer shorts should not be missing in your wardrobe. At first glance, you will see that you have style, but you also care about comfort. Horsefeathers boxer shorts with a distinctive pattern are designed for all men who keep a sparkle in their eye and see the world with young eyes - whether they wear a suit or ripped jeans. Trendy men's boxer shorts for everyday wear Horsefeathers boxer shorts have a comfortable, looser fit with a longer leg, so they ventilate, but they don't show more than you would like (also thanks to the fly with a button). They are made of the most comfortable cotton – maybe that's why they are among the best-selling products on our e-shop. The classic rubber does not press anywhere and guarantees a comfortable fit. Horsefeathers men's boxer shorts can be worn not only as underwear, but they are also popular for lounging on the couch or for sleeping. We deliver Horsefeathers shorts in their original packaging, and if you are hesitating between two sizes, choose the smaller one. The word "horsefeathers" means "total nonsense" in English, but underwear from the brand of the same name will convince you that buying it is no nonsense. You can choose men's boxer shorts with a looser fit or tight-fitting boxers, but you can always be sure that you will get the best quality - comfortable material and fun prints that are loved not only by our male customers and their partners, but also by the biggest snowboarders around the world. Size chartHORSEFEATHERS - MEN BOXER SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED (CM) S 70-80 34 M 81-90 37 L 91-100 40 XL 101-110 43 XXL 111-125 46
MEN'S BOXERS ATLANTIC PREMIUM COLLECTIONBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who focus on the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. For the production of underwear we use 100% cotton, pima cotton, bamboo, microfiber, modal and micromodal.the best quality knitwearfits the figure perfectlyGuaranteed maximum comfortNew technologyPima cotton is extremely soft, almost silky to the touch, elastic, durable and resistant to stretching and pilling. It is produced without the use of chemicals. It does not cause allergies, so it is an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Pima cotton is considered the highest quality cotton in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear. Good wearing!Men's boxer shorts in navy blue are marked at the waist with wide and extremely soft rubber with the inscriptions ATLANTIC in blue. Boxers with a sporty aesthetic have a universal leg length and a low waist, which is topped with the already mentioned outer rubber. Pleasant to the touch, the rubber does not compress the body, so it does not cause any discomfort. Underwear is made of knitwear, which is a combination of soft and pleasant to the touch pima cotton, thin and silky modal and flexible elastane. The combination is gentle to the skin, breathable and prevents excessive sweating of the body. Boxers provide the highest level of wearing comfort.dark bluesporty designfits the figure perfectlysoft and non-compression elastic at the waistHigh quality knitwearmaximum comfort46% Pima cotton, 47% Modal, 7% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Vesele čarape nude visoku kvalitetu i udobnost zahvaljujući kvalitetnom če&scaron;ljanom pamuku.<br />- Svaki pojedini obrazac jedinstven je i ma&scaron;tovit<br />- Savr&scaron;eno se uklapaju u sve &scaron;to ujutro odjenete, tako da možete odabrati prave prema svom raspoloženju<br />- Čarape su uniseks, samo odaberite svoju veličinu<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 90% pamuk, 8% poliamid, 2% elastan
<pre dir="ltr">Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke bokserice savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu, udobnom kroju i ravnim &scaron;avovima.- ravni &scaron;avovi- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas- ugodan materijalMaterijal: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin</pre>
MEN'S BOXERS ATLANTIC 3PACKBoxers are characterized by a sporty cut - a low waist and legs of standard length. Thanks to the profiling cuts, they adhere perfectly to the body and fit it. They are recommended for every figure.Premium Underwear is a collection for those who choose the highest quality, unique design and modern technological solutions when choosing underwear. We use 100% cotton, pima cotton, microfiber, modal and micromodal to produce underwear. the best quality knitwearfits the figure perfectlyGuaranteed maximum comfortNew technologyPima cotton is extremely soft, almost silky to the touch, flexible and resistant to stretching and pilling. It is produced without the use of chemicals. It does not cause allergies, therefore it is an excellent choice for sensitive skin. Pima cotton is considered the highest quality cotton in the world.We love our underwear. When creating it, we pay attention to every slightest detail. Therefore, take care of it and it will serve you for many seasons. Pay attention to the markings and instructions attached to the underwear.Men's boxer shorts have a low waist, mid-thigh length and a practical and extremely comfortable cut. At the waist, the boxers are finished with a soft and non-compression outer elastic. The boxers are made of tactile cotton stretch fabric, which is a combination of soft but durable cotton and stretch elastane. The skin-friendly fabric is breathable, prevents excessive sweating of the body, perfectly adapts to the figure and guarantees the highest wearing comfort.95% cotton, 5% elastane
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Gino - men's bamboo boxers Are you looking for quality bamboo boxers? So check out these boxers from the brand Gino! Bamboo boxers are one of the most popular products in our e-shop. Very pleasant, flexible and airy material together with a well-fitting elastic band rank these boxers among absolute bestsellers. It is definitely worth mentioning their quality and very pleasant price, which the Czech manufacturer tries to keep. Whether in winter, summer, during sports, or in a suit, you will always feel good in the Gino bamboo boxers. They are packed in a box according to the current collection. You can find out more in the classic product information. Size chartGINO - MEN BAMBOO BOXERS SIZE MARKING HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED STATE (CM) S S/M 70-76 32 M M/L 77-83 34 L L/XL 84-95 38 XL XL/XXL 96-110 40 XXL XXL/3XL 111-122 43
<pre dir="ltr">Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke bokserice savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu, udobnom kroju i ravnim &scaron;avovima.- ravni &scaron;avovi- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas- ugodan materijalMaterijal: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin</pre>
Cotton shorts with elastic waist and stripes. Quality cotton ash canvas. Elastic elastic sewn into the waist. Loose and airy cut.Underwear cannot be returned for hygienic reasons.
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Are you looking for children's outdoor socks made of comfortable material that have natural antibacterial protection? Then the socks of the Czech brand Voxx are the right choice. Children's outdoor socks, terry padding, high breathability, antibacterial protection with silver ions in silproX material. Learn more below in the classic product information.
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ravni &scaron;avovi<br />- ugodan materijal<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Udobne mu&scaron;ke gaće Lee Cooper.<br />Lee Cooper mu&scaron;ke kratke hlače savr&scaron;en su izbor za svaki dan zahvaljujući &scaron;irokom elastičnom pojasu i udobnom kroju.<br />- Elastični, brendirani pojas<br />- Udobno pristajanje<br />Materijal: 100% pamuk
Men's Boxer Shorts 69SLAM Hip Microfiber Men's Boxer Shorts 69SLAM hip are a representative of a shorter leg cut. These crazy "short" boxers are preferred by those gentlemen who don't like more tight material on the thighs than necessary. The design of the underwear in the micro variant is not only practical, but also useful thanks to its properties. Microfiber is a very elastic material, excellent for its softness and softness. It is extremely flexible, adaptable and comfortable. The great advantage of this material is its beautifully bright and stable colors that do not fade. It does not cause any allergic reactions, does not irritate the skin and is very resistant to bacteria. The secret lies in the transfer effect, where moisture is transferred to the outer layers. Thanks to this effect, the laundry dries very quickly and thus provides the wearer with comfort even during increased physical exertion. Size chart69SLAM - MEN'S BOXER SHORTS SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED (CM) S 66-71 31.5 M 72-78 35 L 79-84 36 XL 85-90 38.5 XXL 91-100 41
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice s printom u boji idealan su izbor za svakodnevno no&scaron;enje.<br />- &scaron;iroki elastični pojas<br />- ravni &scaron;avovi<br />- ugodan materijal<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable men&#39;s boxer shorts with a color print are the ideal choice for everyday wear.<br />- wide elastic band<br />- flat seams<br />- pleasant material<br /><br /><strong>Material:</strong>&nbsp;95% cotton, 5% elastane
Udobne mu&scaron;ke bokserice u originalnom dizajnu s printom u boji popularnih likova iz crtića.<br />- udoban kroj<br />- elastični pojas s tkanom gumom<br />- mekan, udoban materijal<br />- kvalitetan tisak<br />- težina: 160 g/m2<br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 95% pamuk, 5% elastin
Posljednje pregledano
Donji veš za muške - Donji veš za muškarce uključuje odjevne predmete poput gaća, bokserica, potkošulja te razne vrste čarapa. Potkošulje se najčešće nose zimi, kada su temperature niže, ali i tijekom cijele godine ispod laganijih, poluprozirnih odjevnih predmeta poput bijelih majica s kratkim rukavima. Potkošulje mogu biti uske, od materijala s elastinom ili nešto opuštenije, od materijala poput pamuka. Izaberite onu koja vam najbolje pristaje uz odjevne predmete koje planirate s njom nositi, ali pripazite i da je materijal ugodan na koži i prozračan. Donji veš za žene dolazi u mnogo više vrsta i opcija. Također postoje potkošulje, za sličnu namjenu, ali mogu imati dodatke poput čipke i izvezenih dekoracija. Grudnjaci mogu biti push-up, za trudnice i dojilje, sportski, sa žicom, bez žice, s naramenicama, bez naramenica, silikonski, s prozirnim naramenicama i tako dalje. Ženske gaćice također dolaze u više vrsta krojeva pa, primjerice, imamo brazilke, gaćice klasičnog izreza, “boyshorts” gaćice koje više pokrivaju, tange, gaćice bez vidljivog ruba i tako dalje. Moguće je kombinirati donje i gornje dijelove donjeg veša za žene, ali moguće je i kupiti lijepe kompletiće. Takvi kompleti dolaze u raznim bojama, napravljeni su od raznih materijala i često imaju ukrase ili rubove od čipke, zanimljive uzorke i aplikacije. Izbor je veliki pa obratite pozornost ma kvalitetu materijala, sam kroj, odnosno model donjeg veša za koji smatrate da će vam najbolje odgovarati te boju ili uzorak koji vam se najviše sviđa.