Comfortable women's panties with a classic cut and an original design for every day.<br />- comfortable, classic cut<br />- woven rubber<br />Model wears size S<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Material composition: 90% cotton, 10% elastanemethod of washing: machine wash at 30°CThe model wears size S. Model dimensions: height 167 cm, bust 73 cm, waist 64 cm, hips 91 cm.The dimensions of leggings size S are measured flat: waist - 29 cm, total length - 90 cm, height of loom - 27 cm.
Eldar Vira Tall Corrective BriefsMade of soft and elastic fabric, women's silhouette-correcting briefs. They do not stand out under clothes, they give a sense of lightness and comfort.Product Features:High Corrective Briefssmooth microfiberflatten the abdomen, slim the waistsilicone strap at the waist on the inside to prevent the underwear from rolling and slippinghave a cotton insertComposition: 80% polyamide, 17% elastane, 3% cotton
Ženske čarape marke Licensed.<br />- visoke čarape<br />- elastična guma na gležnju<br />Materijal: 75% pamuk, 23% poliester, 2% elastin
Bikovi stoje nogama čvrsto na zemlji. Ljudi rođeni pod ovim zemljanim znakom vrlo su stabilni, odgovorni i strpljivi. Oni stvari vide iz realne perspektive i uvijek stoje uz ljude do kojih im je stalo. Međutim, ne preporučujemo da ulazite u sukob s bikovima jer su vrlo tvrdoglavi i beskompromisni.&nbsp;<br />Na&scaron;e Taurus gaćice dizajnirane su za sve pouzdane bikove koji bez problema mogu podnijeti svaku krizu. Ove narančasto-žute gaćice pomoći će im da čvrsto izdrže sve komplikacije i iznenadne promjene u životu, nakon čega će opet doći trenuci uživanja.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Women&#39;s socks with an original design of popular cartoon characters.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 75% cotton, 23% polyester, 2% elastane
Različite, ali sasvim savr&scaron;en par. Upravo su to na&scaron;e FROGIES čarape koje vam dočaravaju osmijeh na licu. Jer svaki se dan pretvara u nezaboravno iskustvo.<br /><strong>Materijal:</strong> 70% pamuk, 28% poliamid, 2% elastan<br /><strong>Odaberite originalnu poklon kutiju za čarape:<br /><a href=";product_id=1723454"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a></strong><a href=";product_id=1723461"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a><a href=";product_id=1723458"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a>
Kao &scaron;to je lav kralj džungle, tako su ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom ovog znaka predodređeni da budu vođe i imaju specifičnu moć. Lav je vatreni znak i zato su njegovi nositelji strastvene, dominantne i samouvjerene ličnosti. Lavovi i lavice su vrlo kreativni, velikodu&scaron;ni i veseli ljudi. Vole se zabavljati s prijateljima i uživati u divljenju drugih. S druge strane, ako im netko ne odgovara, mogu biti vrlo arogantni, tvrdoglavi i sebični.&nbsp;<br />Ove ljubičasto-crne gaćice izvlače dominantne lavove iz svakodnevnog stereotipa i vode ih do vala uživanja u životu. Jednostavno rečeno, u na&scaron;im Leo gaćicama njihovi će se nositelji osjećati kraljevski jer ih okolina neće ignorisati.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Ljudi rođeni pod zračnim znakom Vodenjaka su originalne, neovisne ličnosti koje vole svoju slobodu. Ljudi vodolije su dru&scaron;tveni i istovremeno vrlo ljudski. Vole intelektualne razgovore i pomažu drugima. S druge strane, vrlo su temperamentni i beskompromisni pa nikome ne preporučujemo da se s njima ne složi i ne ispuni svoja obećanja.&nbsp;<br />Na&scaron;e gaćice &nbsp;Aquarius namijenjene su svim vizionarima koji na svijet gledaju kao na mjesto puno mogućnosti. Budući da akvaristi vole nove avanture, sa sigurno&scaron;ću možemo reći da će im ove žuto-tirkizne gaćice postati vjerni partneri. Jednostavno rečeno u na&scaron;im gaćicama Aquarius nikada se nećete dosađivati niti osjećati usamljeno.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom vodenog znaka Raka su vjerni, uporni i emocionalni. Njihova uvjerljiva osobnost puna ideja garantuje im nove prijatelje, a također i puno zabave sa svojim najmilijima. Ti ljudi su vrlo brižni i izbjegavaju sukobe. Međutim, treba biti oprezan jer rakovi mogu vrlo brzo promijeniti raspoloženje i mogu biti manipulativni.&nbsp;<br />Na&scaron;e Cancer gaćice stvorene su za sve brižne rakove koji su uvijek od pomoći drugim ljudima. A &scaron;to je najbolje? Zahvaljujući ovim narančasto-ljubičastim gaćicama simpatični rakovi izazivaju pažnju okoline.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Različite, ali sasvim savr&scaron;en par. Upravo su to na&scaron;e FROGIES čarape koje vam dočaravaju osmijeh na licu. Jer svaki se dan pretvara u nezaboravno iskustvo.<br /><strong>Materijal:</strong> 70% pamuk, 28% poliamid, 2% elastan<br /><strong>Odaberite originalnu poklon kutiju za čarape:<br /><a href=";product_id=1723454"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a></strong><a href=";product_id=1723461"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a><a href=";product_id=1723458"><img alt="" src="" style="float:left;width:100px;height:100px;" /></a>
It provides strategic support tailored for moderately demanding activities such as cycling, weight training, and boxing.Classic sweater cut with racer design on the back and a cut-out for better ventilation and easy putting on and taking off.Soft elastic bottom strap with lettering detail for a secure fit.The HeatGear fabric provides excellent skin contact.The material wicks away sweat and dries very quickly.The 4-Way Stretch technology allows for better movement in every direction.Double lining for coverage, no padding.Odor control technology minimizes odors.
Ljudi rođeni pod zvijezdom Blizanaca vrlo su dru&scaron;tveni, komunikativni i uvijek spremni za zabavu. Međutim, ovaj zračni znak krije dvije različite osobnosti. Ugodni i ljubazni ljudi mogu se odmah pretvoriti u promi&scaron;ljene, neodlučne i nervozne pojedince. Blizanci ne vole provoditi vrijeme sami, pa ako upoznate osobu rođenu u ovom znaku, možete biti sigurni da ćete s njim definitivno biti prijatelj.&nbsp;<br />Na&scaron;e Gemini gaćice namijenjene su svim znatiželjnim blizancima koji će istraživati svijet oko sebe i sami iskusiti sve moguće avanture. Stoga možemo sa sigurno&scaron;ću reći da, noseći ove sivo-crvene gaćice, ne moraju brinuti da će im se život pretvoriti u svakodnevnu rutinu. U njima se nikada nećete dosađivati niti osjećati usamljeno.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Osobe rođene u vatrenom znaku strijelca zbog svoje optimističke prirode smatraju se sretnim ljudima. Strijelci su vrlo velikodu&scaron;ni, zabavni i otvoreni, obožavaju vlastitu slobodu i putovanja. Tokom svog života žele doživjeti &scaron;to je vi&scaron;e moguće i stoga često obećavaju vi&scaron;e nego &scaron;to mogu ispuniti. Prepoznat ćete ih i tako &scaron;to će odmah reći &scaron;to imaju na umu.<br />Ove plave i ružičaste gaćice namijenjene su svim znatiželjnim Strijelcima koji uživaju u promjenama i učinit će sve da postignu svoje ciljeve. U na&scaron;im gaćicama Sagittarius njihovi će pustolovni nositelji biti neograničeni i moći će uživati u svojim avanturama.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Description: Classic panties finished with lace at the front and back. Available in two colors. Designed and made in Poland.Washing instructions: Machine wash at 30°C or less on reduced cycle. Do not bleach. Do not iron. Do not dry clean. Drip dry. Do not tumble dry.
Lagani samostojeći grudnjak brenda Gorteks<br />- Kopča se sprijeda<br />- Bez remena ili kopčanja na leđima<br />- Ko&scaron;arice su izvana ukra&scaron;ene glatkim materijalom<br />- Iznutra obložen posebnim medicinskim ljepilom
Vaga je jedan od zračnih znakova. Ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom su &scaron;armantne osobe snažnog intelekta. Vaga se svrstava među diplomatske i miroljubive pojedince koji vole pravdu, sklad i blagostanje. Ne vole sukobe pa ih stalno izbjegavaju. Vaga je vrlo neodlučna. Zato ih ne preporučujemo za važne odluke.&nbsp;<br />U gaćicama Libra slobodno vrijeme bit će ugodnije za sve dru&scaron;tvene vage koje ne vole biti same. Također sa sigurno&scaron;ću možemo reći da će im ove crvene i plave gaćice pružiti odličnu ravnotežu, &scaron;to je ključni aspekt sretnog života.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Jarac je zemljani znak koji se svrstava među najpraktičnije znakove cijelog zodijaka. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku prirodno su inteligentni, stabilni i odgovorni. Izuzetno su uporni, ambiciozni i imaju realan pogled na svijet. Zato uvijek očekuju najgore. Kad ih neko razočara vrlo te&scaron;ko opra&scaron;taju..&nbsp;<br />Ove plavo-crne gaćice namijenjene su svim discipliniranim Jarcima koji lako prevladavaju sve prepreke. Kao bonus, na&scaron;e Capricorn gaćice mogu pomoći svim tim pojedincima s izvrsnim organizacijskim sposobnostima u dugoročnom planiranju.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Čak i čarape mogu biti zabavan komad odjeće! Podignite svoje raspoloženje i osvijetlite svoje okruženje uz ove jedinstvene razigrane čarape.<br /><br /><strong>Materijal</strong>: 72% pamuk, 26% poliamid, 2% elastin
Ribe su karakterističan vodeni znak. Ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom vrlo su ljubazni, prijateljski nastrojeni i suosjećajni pa mogu pomoći svojim najmilijima u svakoj situaciji. Ribe su sanjari i često žele pobjeći od stvarnosti. Ne vole strah i ako ih ne želite uzrujati, preporučujemo da ih ne kritizirate.<br />Na&scaron;e gaćice Pisces dizajnirane su za sve empatične i intuitivne du&scaron;e koje su izuzetno tolerantne i daju sve od sebe da rije&scaron;e probleme. Ove crveno-plave gaćice potaknut će kreativnost i zahvaljujući svom dizajnu ispunit će sve Ribe beskrajnom ljubavlju.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable women's panties with a classic cut and an original design for every day.<br />- comfortable, classic cut<br />- woven rubber<br />Model wears size S<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Description:Brand: Tommy Hilfiger Product: women Quantity: 2 pairs Type: feet Producer's code: 343024001 200 Material: 79% cotton, 20% polyamide, 1% elastane Color: black Manufacturer's warranty: 24 months Tommy Hilfiger socks from the latest collection. Small logo on the back, "Tommy Hilfiger" inscription on the sole. Very nice to the touch. They fit perfectly to the foot, do not lose their elasticity even after long-term wear, guarantee the highest comfort of use. They are ideal for everyday use as well as for sports and recreation. Anyone who values comfort should bet on good quality socks. It is best to have a few or a dozen classic models in your wardrobe. Here it is great to get suggestions from the Tommy Hilfiger brand from the latest collection. Socks are not only comfortable, but also fashionable, and additionally make the foot feel comfortable thanks to good quality materials. There is a small unobtrusive logo on the back. However, it is so visible that everyone who cares about displaying this fashionable, recognizable element should feel content. On the sole there is also the inscription "Tommy Hilfiger". These socks are perfect for everyday use, but they are also great, for example, at the gym. Very soft to the touch, great to wear. They fit perfectly to the shape of the foot, thanks to which we can immediately enjoy the comfort. Tommy Hilfiger is a good brand that focuses on the best quality of its products, thanks to which we can be sure that the socks will retain their shape and elasticity even after several washes. We highly recommend, because such fashionable, classic socks with a well-known logo are simply worth having in your wardrobe!Washing instructions: Wash at 30 degrees, do not iron, do not tumble dry.
Its long design offers a stylish look by comfortably wrapping your legs; The material component mixed with polyester and elastane increases your freedom of movement by providing flexibility and durability; It can be easily combined with all kinds of upper clothing with its simple and plain pattern, allowing you to create a timeless style; It has a wide range of users with its design that appeals to all age groups; It is suitable for everyone from teenagers to adults; The woven fabric type offers long-term use by preserving the form of the product; Thanks to the regular mold, it adapts to your body lines and provides a comfortable use experience;
Elastične&nbsp; tajice s push-up efektom.<br /><br />- SQUEEZE materijal potpuno pokriva, elastičan, oblikuje figuru<br />- SQUEEZE materijal izrađen je od pređe renomiranih proizvođača s međunarodnim Oeko-Tex certifikatom
Djevice su zemaljski znak koji se često pogre&scaron;no shvaća. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku vjerni su i praktični s vrlo dobrim analitičkim razmi&scaron;ljanjem. Djevice veliki naglasak stavljaju na najsitnije detalje i imaju veliki osjećaj za humanost, zahvaljujući kojoj uvijek znaju rije&scaron;iti probleme.&nbsp;<br />Ove blijedoplavo i ružičaste gaćice pomoći će svojim nositeljima da u svom okruženju &scaron;ire atmosferu čistoće i nevinosti. Međutim, tokom no&scaron;enja na&scaron;ih Virgo gaćice sramežljive Djevice ne moraju brinuti hoće li postati centar pažnje.&nbsp;<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% bavlna, 5% elastan
Extra lightweight HeatGear material provides perfect coverage without any limitations.The material perfectly wicks away sweat and dries very quickly.The design with 4-Way Stretch technology allows the material to be elasticity in all directions.You will stay so fresh even after a greater sporting performance.Ergonomic flat seams for a comfortable, abrasion-free fit.High elastic waistband for optimal coverage and support that stays in place with every movement.Side pocket.Length of legs from crotch: 74 cm.
Hulahopke od 40 DEN daju va&scaron;im nogama energiju kada ih nosite. Tijekom dugotrajnog sjedenja ili stajanja va&scaron;a koža će imati bolju prokrvljenost i ostat će mekana i hidratizirana tijekom cijelog dana. Sastav: 85% poliamid, 15% elastin
Fishnet stockings with a decorative bow.The stockings included in this catalogue are made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.
Description: Halima are leggings that combine style and functionality. Made of ribbed knitwear, they are extremely flexible and adapt to the movements of the body. Moreover, Halima leggings go well with fashionable sweatshirts, creating original and comfortable everyday combinations. They are an ideal choice for women who value comfort and fashionable design. Halima leggings by Dkaren are a perfect solution for women who focus on style and comfort during physical activity. Their striped knit not only emphasises the feminine silhouette, but also provides full freedom of movement. Available in many colours. Halima are the perfect base for creating a variety of outfits for the city or training. The elasticity and wearing comfort of our leggings make them indispensable both during intensive exercise and during walks or meetings with friends. Halima are leggings that combine functionality with fashionable design.Washing instructions: 30°C Machine wash
The super-soft stretch fabric provides all-day comfort during any activity.Laser-cut edges for a smoother, more pleasing cut.4-Way Stretch technology for better movement in every direction.Odor control technology reduces odors.Soft cotton gusset and construction.Material: 76% Polyester Circular Knit, 24% Elastane
Women's sports bra. GapFit collection.Round neckline and wide straps. Breathable fabric with moisture wicking. Tiny GAP logo on the back. Our GapFit sports collection keeps up with fashion. The clothes are lightweight, breathable, quick-drying and moisture-wicking. Innovative, mostly technical fabrics meet high demands on functionality and quality of sportswear. In addition, thanks to the use of recycled materials, we not only save natural resources, but also our environment. Clothing labeled Gap for Good is made with our planet in mind, which is why we use natural or recycled materials while trying to reduce the impact of production on water resources. Learn more at Gap for Good.
Comfortable women's panties with a classic cut and an original design for every day.<br />- comfortable, classic cut<br />- woven rubber<br />Model wears size S<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Comfortable women's panties with a classic cut and an original design for every day.<br />- comfortable, classic cut<br />- woven rubber<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Description: Simple and classic - too boring for some, sexy and sensual for others. The Ines housecoat is made of pleasant material. Once you put on the dressing gown, it will be difficult to part with it later. The housecoat is sewn according to a classic pattern - it reaches to the middle of the thighs and has long, loose sleeves. It is tied with a thin belt, thanks to which every woman can emphasize her waist. The housecoat has pockets sewn in on the sides. The Ines housecoat is available in 11 colours. Choose your favourite colour and feel divine like never before. Ready to feel comfortable, convenient and elegant at the same time with Dkaren? How to wash and iron viscose? Wash the viscose material with a protective process at a temperature not higher than 30°C / 40°C. Iron at a temperature not higher than 150°C. Do not dry clean or tumble dry. Remember that the best way is to dry it on a hanger. Raw material composition: 92% Viscose, 8% elastane.Washing instructions: 30°C/40°C Mashine wash, Iron max 150°C, Do not dry clean, Do not tumble dry, Drying to hanger
Women's underwear GAP. Panties made of breathable elastic material in black. Underwear cannot be returned for hygienic reasons. Material: 74% Polyester 18% Lyocell 8% Spandex
EDITH women's panties laser-cut from delicate, breathable knitted fabric that fits perfectly to the body. This cotton-blended material is very lightweight. Gently felt on human skin and at the same time fully opaque.
Ovan je vatreni znak, pa su ljudi rođeni pod ovom zvijezdom vrlo energični, impulzivni i samouvjereni. Kad ne&scaron;to žele, mogu biti vrlo hrabri, odlučni i po&scaron;teni. S druge strane, kao pravi ovnovi ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku mogu biti vrlo razdražljivi, hiroviti i posebno nestrpljivi - brzo ih možete razljutiti svojim neradom ili ka&scaron;njenjem.<br />Ove vesele narančasto-zelene gaćice prikladne su za sve strastvene optimiste koji uživaju u novim izazovima. U danima koje provode u na&scaron;im Aries gaćicama nije važno &scaron;to prvo poduzmu akciju, a zatim razmi&scaron;ljaju, jer u ovim gaćicama će uživati u svim trenucima.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Description: Beautiful nightgown from Dkaren. The Peri slip will make you feel sexy and special. It fits perfectly on the body and emphasizes the figure. The top is decorated with sensual lace that will give you charm. The petticoat has adjustable straps, so you can decide on their length. The bottom of the petticoat is made of elegant satin, which adds delicacy. The Peri petticoat makes every woman feel beautiful and sensual. Additionally, satin makes you feel comfortable while wearing it and sleeping. Don't wait and order a beautiful nightgown today. Raw material composition: 100% polyester.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Dry-clean or spin-dry, Iron at 110°C
Žensko stezno donje rublje Bellinda&nbsp;<br />- Udoban porub u struku<br />- Visok struk<br />- Prozračna i super mekana tkanina<br />- Udobni rubovi oko nogu<br />- Smanjuju trenje na bedrima u usporedbi s no&scaron;enjem gaćica ispod suknje ili haljine
Description: Seductive, sexy satin chemise. Thin and adjustable straps. Material: satin. Looking for an elegant and sensual slip? Check out the sexy Alubi slip from Dkaren. Made of elegant satin, it has beautiful lace inserts. The nightgown evokes a sense of uniqueness and beauty. The red colour will perfectly highlight your beauty and charm. The slip from Dkaren will make you make an impression! New nightgown from Dkaren created in luxurious satin, with thin straps. It features charming lace which adds extra appeal. Perfect for special and romantic occasions! The Alubi slip was created with every woman in mind! Material composition: 100% polyester.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Dry-clean or spin-dry, Iron at 110°C
Description:If you dream of a men’s shirt style, the “Carey” chemise is the answer to your desires. Made of delicate, soft satin with a slightly extended men’s shirt cut. Fastened with glass buttons it adds femininity to the whole. The buttons also decorate the cuffs. A breast pocket compliments the apparel. You can use the “Carey” shirt as a chemise or throw it over the shoulders as an airy dressing gown.Washing instructions: Wash at 30°C, iron max 90°C, do not bleach, hang to dry, do not spin, may to dye before and during the first wash
Description: Beautiful nightgown from Dkaren. The Peri slip will make you feel sexy and special. It fits perfectly on the body and emphasizes the figure. The top is decorated with sensual lace that will give you charm. The petticoat has adjustable straps, so you can decide on their length. The bottom of the petticoat is made of elegant satin, which adds delicacy. The Peri petticoat makes every woman feel beautiful and sensual. Additionally, satin makes you feel comfortable while wearing it and sleeping. Don't wait and order a beautiful nightgown today. Raw material composition: 100% polyester.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Dry-clean or spin-dry, Iron at 110°C
Women&#39;s sports bra Lee Cooper.<br />- comfortable cut<br />- elastic hem with logo<br />- without fastening<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Women's thermal leggings - effective insulation for all activities and seasonsThe variety and characteristics of winter sports require solutions that can cope with different weather conditions and ensure complete freedom of movement. As a result, seamless underwear provides high thermal insulation properties and thermal comfort both during long hours on the slopes and during popular everyday activities on cold days.It has a tailored slim fit that fits the body and a full-length leg that reaches beyond the ankle. The seamless construction and elastic fibers ensure a very snug fit that feels like a second skin. It is characterized by high elasticity and at the same time retains its cut for many seasons. Thanks to the minimal number of seams, it does not cause bruises and is safe for places that are most prone to irritation.It works best as a first layer of clothing (first layer) that can be worn directly under combed or fleece underwear, especially on cold and frosty days.The thermal underwear is made of synthetic material, which ensures durability and is easy to maintain. Thanks to the addition of elastane (5%), the material is elastic and fits comfortably on the figure.Women's thermal leggings with quick-drying fibers that support moisture wicking away from the body. Wide high waist.
Description: This model has all the features of a perfect housecoat - it is sexy, made of good quality material, and its cut will perfectly emphasize every figure. If you like sensual dressing gowns that gently wrap your body, and the touch of cool satin on hot skin is something that makes you feel luxurious - you must choose our Viola housecoat, which is available in many colours. The front and wide sleeves are trimmed with high-quality lace, which creates a unique effect. We guarantee that you will feel very feminine and sensual in it. The dressing gown comes with a satin belt that will allow you to adjust it appropriately and even out your proportions. We have a wide range of sizes, thanks to which you will surely choose a housecoat that will fit you perfectly. If you want to give yourself a bit of luxury - buy a Viola housecoat and always feel radiant and sexy. How to wash and iron? It is best to wash this material by hand at 30°C. Please do not chlorinate, dry clean or spin. Iron at 110°C. Raw material composition: 100% polyesterWashing instructions: 30°C hand wash. Do not chlorinate. Ironing temperature 110°C. Do not dry clean. Do not spin dry, hang dry.
It provides strategic support for moderately demanding activities such as weight training, boxing training, cycling and more.Pleasant, quick-drying cups with perforation for better breathability provide ideal coverage and hold a beautiful shape.Removable pads are marked R and L for easy reversal.The crossed straps attractively reveal the back and are easy to dress/undress.The innovative internal construction better holds the pads in their position - during wear and washing.Super smooth and soft elastic bottom band.Extra smooth, double-layer HeatGear fabric adheres pleasantly to the body.The material wicks away sweat excellently and dries very quickly.
Comfortable women&#39;s panties with a classic cut and an original design for every day.<br />- comfortable, classic cut<br />- woven rubber<br />Model wears size S<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Description: Are you a born romantic? Or maybe you dream of a beautiful, romantic night with your loved one. If so, Peggy's petticoat will surely win your heart. Tempting and predatory, yet elegant. The front of the petticoat is made of profiled, triangular cups, which are decorated with delicate lace above the bust and just below it. There is a lovely bow in the middle of the bust. There is also lace sewn in at the end of the chemise, which gives the underwear a sexy look. Wearing it, you will feel like the queen of sex appeal, and your loved one will certainly notice it. The petticoat has thin, adjustable straps, so you can adjust the underwear to your shape. Peggy's petticoat is available in several colors. In each version? The lace is black. Before placing an order, we encourage you to read the size table above. Thanks to it, you will avoid choosin? The wrong size. We also invite you to check out our other offers. Go wild with Dkaren. How to wash and iron? It is best to wash this material by hand at 30°C. Please do not chlorinate, dry clean or spin spin. Iron at 110°C. Raw material composition: 100% polyester.Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Ironing temperature 110°C, Do not dry clean, Do not spin dry, hang dry
Description:A lace heart-shaped neckline at the front and back is sure to attract men's attention. The slip has a delicate decoration at the neckline. The slip is made of viscose in the colour of cappuccino. A romantic nightdress for an evening with your beloved. Looking for something sexy and seductive for the evening? Look no further than our Evelina nightgown with lace insert.The lace is sure to catch your partner's eye, and the comfortable viscose fabric will keep you feeling relaxed all night long.Washing instructions: Machine wash not exceeding 30°C/40°C. Iron at a temperature not exceeding 150°C. Do not dry clean. Do not tumble dry. Hang dry.
Microfiber socks with rubber crown with silicone strips on the inside.The products included in this catalogue are made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.
DKaren Karen Satin NightdressMade of smooth fabric, this colourful women's nightdress with thin straps is available. Feminine model with a plunging V-neckline.smooth fabric with a subtle sheenV-necklinethin adjustable strapsmid-thigh lengthA combination of comfort, feminine charm and subtle romanticism. Brighten up your evenings with delicate elegance! Composition: 100% polyester
Description:Thin transparent elastic tights DRESS CODE with the effect of "Your second skin" perfectly fit and mask small imperfections of the skin, while remaining invisible on the legs.Tights are easy to take with you: the compact SMART package fits even in a small women's purse.• "your second skin" effect• cotton gusset• compacted toe• flat seam• without shorts• compact SMART packaging• easy to take with you• perfect for the office dress code.Washing instructions: Wash at 30 degrees, do not iron, do not tumble dry.
Description: Perfect for romantic evenings and long, lazy mornings. In the Avery Podomka you will feel coquettish and sexy, which your loved one will certainly notice. The housecoat is made of delicate satin, so putting it on your naked body will provide you with unforgettable pleasure. The dressing gown is sewn accordin? To a classic pattern - it reaches approximately above the knee and has very wide kimono sleeves. The housecoat comes with a belt, thanks to which every woman can tie it around her waist and emphasize her waist. The Avery housecoat is available in silver. Do you feel as if this dressing gown was made especially for you and you can already see yourself wearing it in your mind's eye? In this case, we encourage you to use the size chart to make sure that the housecoat will be the perfect size for you. Putting on an Avery satin dressing gown will make you feel like a goddess, see for yourself. It's a priceless and unforgettable feeling!Washing instructions: 30°C Hand wash, Do not chlorinate, Ironing temperature 110°C, Do not dry clean, Do not spin dry, hang dry
Do you want women's underwear in which you will feel comfortable at all times? Then the Nedeto women's panties set is the perfect hit. Classic panties in a comfortable cut will adorn any women's underwear drawer. Our customers' partners have also taken a liking to them – they are now stroking their butts more than ever before. Comfortable Nedeto panties are a great choice for everyday use Women's Nedeto panties are made of first-class material for your absolute comfort. The combination of cotton and elastane will ensure that they fit you perfectly and do not cut or press anywhere. Thanks to the classic rubber, it stays exactly where it should. Colorful panties are simply a timeless classic, you can wear them, for example, to work, to the theater and to sports. The Nedeto women's panties set will support you in any situation. Nedeto panties are based on first-class quality The Nedeto brand was created as our private brand so that we can offer you top-quality Czech underwear for which you won't spend your entire salary. Women's underwear deserves the highest quality, so we pay attention to the choice of materials and sophisticated cuts. Size chartWOMEN'S PANTIES SIZE HIP CIRCUMFERENCE (CM) UNSTRETCHED CONDITION (CM) S 60-70 29 M 70-80 30.5 L 80-90 35.5 XL 90-100 37 XXL 100-115 39
Pants made of pre-shrunk denim with a shaping effect that shapes the buttocks, a button closure and pockets in the back part.The JEANS material is wiped by hand and machine-pre-washed, fully opaque, elastic, shaping the figure. The JEANS material is made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.
Decatized denim pants with a shaping effect modeling the buttocks and a button closure and pockets at the back.The JEANS material wiped by hand and machine decatized is fully covering, elastic, shaping the figure. JEANS material is made of yarns from renowned manufacturers with the international Oeko-Tex certificate.
Vodeni znak &scaron;korpiona smatra se najkompliciranijim znakom cijelog zodijaka. Ljudi rođeni u ovom znaku strastveni su, razumni i istovremeno vrlo tvrdoglavi. Njihova važna osobina ličnosti je iskrenost i pravda. Zahvaljujući njima mogu čuvati tajne, &scaron;to ih čini velikim prijateljima. S druge strane, vrlo su nepovjerljivi, tajnoviti i ljubomorni pa će vas prije nego &scaron;to vam priđu temeljito provjeriti.&nbsp;<br />Ove fuksija-crne gaćice predodređene su da postanu sjajni partneri za sve odlučne &scaron;korpione na putu do ispunjenja svojih ciljeva. Na&scaron;e Scorpio gaćice su stvorene za pobjednike, s kojima će jasno stvoriti dugogodi&scaron;nje prijateljstvo.<br /><strong>Material:</strong> 95% cotton, 5% elastane
Gender:WomanType:TopNeckline:roundMaterial:microfibre 82%elastan 18%Fantasy:solidWashing:Wash at 30° CModel Height/o, cm:172Size of the garment worn in the photo:M
Description: Perfect for a hot wedding night and a lazy, romantic morning after the wedding. The Gabi petticoat in the wedding version will surprise you with its comfort of wearing and at the same time give you a lot of sex appeal and charm. Your loved one will surely notice it. The Gabi petticoat has profiled and trimmed cups, which are decorated with a slightly gathered satin ruffle trimmed with hem. There are small satin bows at the bust and on one side of the bottom of the petticoat. The bottom of the petticoat is also trimmed with hemstitching. The chemise has thin, adjustable straps, thanks to which you can adjust how much cleavage you want to show. Well-chosen underwear can do a lot, and above all, it will surprise you and your new husband. Feel sexy like never before with nightwear from Dkaren! How to wash and iron? It is best to wash this material by hand at 30°C. Please do not chlorinate, dry clean or spin. Iron at 110°C. Raw material composition: 100% polyester.Washing instructions: This material is best washed by hand at 30°C. Please do not chlorinate, dry clean or spin dry. Iron at 110°C.
Description:Camisole with a deep V-neck and a lace insert under the bust. Available in three colors. Designed and made in Poland.Washing instructions: Machine wash at 30°C or less on reduced cycle, do not bleach, do not iron, do not dry clean, drip dry, do not tumble dry
Popusti 20%, Akcije, Rasprodaje Donji veš za ženske - Donji veš za muškarce uključuje odjevne predmete poput gaća, bokserica, potkošulja te razne vrste čarapa. Potkošulje se najčešće nose zimi, kada su temperature niže, ali i tijekom cijele godine ispod laganijih, poluprozirnih odjevnih predmeta poput bijelih majica s kratkim rukavima. Potkošulje mogu biti uske, od materijala s elastinom ili nešto opuštenije, od materijala poput pamuka. Izaberite onu koja vam najbolje pristaje uz odjevne predmete koje planirate s njom nositi, ali pripazite i da je materijal ugodan na koži i prozračan. Donji veš za žene dolazi u mnogo više vrsta i opcija. Također postoje potkošulje, za sličnu namjenu, ali mogu imati dodatke poput čipke i izvezenih dekoracija. Grudnjaci mogu biti push-up, za trudnice i dojilje, sportski, sa žicom, bez žice, s naramenicama, bez naramenica, silikonski, s prozirnim naramenicama i tako dalje. Ženske gaćice također dolaze u više vrsta krojeva pa, primjerice, imamo brazilke, gaćice klasičnog izreza, “boyshorts” gaćice koje više pokrivaju, tange, gaćice bez vidljivog ruba i tako dalje. Moguće je kombinirati donje i gornje dijelove donjeg veša za žene, ali moguće je i kupiti lijepe kompletiće. Takvi kompleti dolaze u raznim bojama, napravljeni su od raznih materijala i često imaju ukrase ili rubove od čipke, zanimljive uzorke i aplikacije. Izbor je veliki pa obratite pozornost ma kvalitetu materijala, sam kroj, odnosno model donjeg veša za koji smatrate da će vam najbolje odgovarati te boju ili uzorak koji vam se najviše sviđa.